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[英]Regex parsing in javascript

Can you help how to parse the regex i have tried a lot but not able to do.你能帮助我解析我尝试了很多但无法做到的正则表达式吗?

Input : <a onclick="javascript:collapse('displayText','hideText','whyInfo-arrow-image')"><span sd:text="${whyInfoLabel}">Learn more about Authentication</span> <img id="whyInfo-arrow-image" sd:src="${downwardArrowImage}" height="20" width="20" >输入: <a onclick="javascript:collapse('displayText','hideText','whyInfo-arrow-image')"><span sd:text="${whyInfoLabel}">Learn more about Authentication</span> <img id="whyInfo-arrow-image" sd:src="${downwardArrowImage}" height="20" width="20" >

Expected : sd:text="${whyInfoLabel}" and sd:src="${downwardArrowImage}"预期: sd:text="${whyInfoLabel}"sd:src="${downwardArrowImage}"

My attempt 1 : "/\\$\\{(\\w*)\\}/g" it can pick only {whyInfoLabel} & {downwardArrowImage}我的尝试 1 : "/\\$\\{(\\w*)\\}/g"它只能选择{whyInfoLabel} & {downwardArrowImage}

My attempt 2 : "/sd.*\\$\\{(\\w*)\\}/g" this is not able to split.我的尝试 2 : "/sd.*\\$\\{(\\w*)\\}/g"这无法拆分。

I am very new to Regex and to JavaScript.我对 Regex 和 JavaScript 很陌生。

Any help will be great.任何帮助都会很棒。

You're in JS, why don't you use the DOM to parse HTML instead?你在JS,为什么不使用DOM来解析HTML呢? Regex isn't designed to parse HTML, but the DOM provides a utility that is designed specifically for that purpose.正则表达式并非旨在解析 HTML,但 DOM 提供了专门为此目的而设计的实用程序。

If your browser supports it , you should consider doing this using the DOMParser instead:如果您的浏览器支持它,您应该考虑使用DOMParser来执行此操作:

var html = "<a onclick=\"javascript:collapse('displayText','hideText','whyInfo-arrow-image')\"><span sd:text=\"${whyInfoLabel}\">Learn more about Authentication</span>  <img id=\"whyInfo-arrow-image\" sd:src=\"${downwardArrowImage}\" height=\"20\" width=\"20\" >";

var parser = new DOMParser();
var doc = parser.parseFromString(html, "text/html");

var attrText = doc.querySelector('span').getAttribute("sd:text");

var attrSrc = doc.querySelector('img').getAttribute("sd:src");

"${whyInfoLabel}" “${whyInfoLabel}”
"${downwardArrowImage}" “${downwardArrowImage}”

Try this: /(sd:.*=".*")/Ug试试这个:/( /(sd:.*=".*")/Ug :. /(sd:.*=".*")/Ug

Or this: /\\{(.*)\\}/Ug或者这样: /\\{(.*)\\}/Ug

This should give you both results in an array:这应该给你一个数组中的两个结果:


The regex matches 'sd:' at start, followed by 'text' or 'src', a equal sign, a double quote followed by zero or more characters not being a double quote, and finally a double quote.正则表达式匹配 'sd:' 开头,然后是 'text' 或 'src'、等号、双引号后跟零个或多个不是双引号的字符,最后是双引号。

Just call (assuming your text in a variable called 'text' :只需调用(假设您的文本位于名为'text'的变量中:

var regex =/sd:(?:text|src)=\"[^\"]*"/g;
var matches = text.match(regex);
var match0 = matches[0];
var match1 = matches[1];

You can try this regex.你可以试试这个正则表达式。 Hope this helps.希望这可以帮助。

 const regex = /\\w+:\\w+="\\$\\{\\w*\\}"/g; const input = '<a onclick="javascript:collapse(' + 'displayText' + ',' + 'hideText' + ','+ 'whyInfo-arrow-image' + ')"><span sd:text="${whyInfoLabel}">Learn more about Authentication</span> <img id="whyInfo-arrow-image" sd:src="${downwardArrowImage}" height="20" width="20" >'; console.log(input.match(regex))

asdf = new RegExp('(sd:.+?[}])+', 'gi');

more general:更一般:


REGEX 101正则表达式 101

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