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[英]I want to ask about getElementbyId

In my code, I wanted to show the following text: "(User) is 153cm tall and weighs 37 kilograms. That qualifies as underweight" 在我的代码中,我想显示以下文本:“(用户)身高153厘米,重37公斤。这相当于体重不足”

My code is as below. 我的代码如下。 It's not supposed to work but some magic it works except for name. 它不应该起作用,但是除了名称之外,它还可以起作用。

function gogogo() {
    let x=document.getElementById("height").value/100;
    let y=document.getElementById("weight").value;

    let BMI=y/Math.pow(x,2);

    document.getElementById("output").innerText = Math.round(BMI*100)/100;

    let answer;
    if (BMI<18.5)
        answer = "Underweight";
    else if (BMI<=25)
        answer = "Normal";
    else if (BMI<=30)
        answer = "Obese";
        answer = "Overweight";

    document.getElementById("answer").innerText = `"${name} is ${height.value} tall and ${weight.value} kilograms. That qualifies as ${answer}"`;

instead of 代替


Apparently one can simply write: 显然一个人可以简单地写:


What's the problem? 有什么问题? Can you guys help me to fix it? 你们能帮我解决吗?

Javascript traverses the DOM as well insearch of an uninitialized variable. Javascript遍历DOM并搜索未初始化的变量。 If it finds a node with the same id as the variable name, it takes the variable as the reference to that node . 如果找到与变量名具有相同idnode ,则将变量作为对该node的引用。


    <h1 id=title>My title</h1>
    <input type=text value="mi text" id=yourText />

Since the id s ['title','yourText'] appear in the DOM tree, you can call them directly ('Though not adviced'). 由于id s ['title','yourText']出现在DOM树中,因此您可以直接调用它们(“尽管不建议”)。

So, calling title.innerText , would return " My title ". 因此,调用title.innerText ,将返回“ My title ”。 But calling an uninitialized variable whose id is not in the DOM as well, will give you an undefined value 但是,调用ID不在DOM中的未初始化变量也会给您带来undefined


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