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Mule Http侦听器的自定义身份验证筛选器

[英]Custom Authentication Filter for Mule Http Listener

I would like to implement a Security Filter in Mule 3 extending OncePerRequestFilter from Spring Security. 我想在Mule 3中实现一个安全过滤器,从Spring Security扩展了OncePerRequestFilter。 But I am unable to make it work because the code for authentication hadn't been reach. 但是我无法使其工作,因为尚未到达身份验证代码。

Here is the code for registering the filter on mule xml. 这是用于在mule xml上注册过滤器的代码。

 <spring:bean id="requestContextFilter" class="com.sample.authentication.BeforeBasicAuthFilter"/>

      <ss:http entry-point-ref="restAuthenticationEntryPoint"> 
        <ss:custom-filter ref="requestContextFilter" before="FIRST"/>

   public class BeforeBasicAuthFilter extends OncePerRequestFilter {

     private HttpServletRequest request;
     public HttpServletRequest getRequest() {
       return request;
    public void setRequest(HttpServletRequest request) {
      this.request = request;

    protected void doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest request, 
    HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain filterChain)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
    this.request = request;
    System.out.println("XXXX ");
    filterChain.doFilter(request, response);


I believe that that filter is not registered to be used by the http listener or authentication manager. 我相信该筛选器未注册供http侦听器或身份验证管理器使用。 Was there a way in Mule to register a filter to be used on a http Listener? Mule中有没有办法注册要在http侦听器上使用的过滤器? My goal is that I should be able to intercept the raw http request before the authentication will take place. 我的目标是我应该能够在身份验证发生之前拦截原始的HTTP请求。

Use before BASIC_AUTH_FILTER in the custom-filter . custom-filter中的BASIC_AUTH_FILTER之前使用。

 <ss:http entry-point-ref="restAuthenticationEntryPoint"> 
    <ss:custom-filter ref="requestContextFilter" before="BASIC_AUTH_FILTER"/>

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