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[英]Node.js Cluster architecture: how to scale master worker

I have build a Node.js built-in cluster architecture with master/worker configuration. 我已经构建了一个具有主/工配置的Node.js内置集群架构。 The application is using express to serve api and static files and it is deployed with Docker: 该应用程序使用express来提供api和静态文件,并使用Docker进行部署:

[D O C K E R: 8080] --- N ---> [W O R K E R: 3001 ]  --- 1 ---> [M A S T E R: 3000]

I have N worker in Worker.js and 1 master in master.js . 我有在N-工人Worker.js和在1个主master.js Master and worker share common modules, while the master has a core module that loads core services and exposes an api on PORT=3001 , a worker loads the other apis on PORT=3000 , where the Docker container has been bind. 主服务器和工作器共享通用模块,而主服务器有一个核心模块,用于加载核心服务并在PORT=3001上公开api,工作人员在PORT=3000上加载另一个api,Docker容器已经绑定。 While a routing proxy on a Worker will forward requests to the Master in order to serve requests to core modules, the other requests are being server on 3000 directly. 虽然Worker上的路由代理会将请求转发给Master以便向核心模块提供请求,但其他请求直接是服务器3000。

The start script looks like 启动脚本看起来像

'use strict';
(function() {

/// node clustering
const cluster = require('cluster');
const numCPUs = require('os').cpus().length;

if (cluster.isMaster) { // master node
    var masterConfig=require('./config/masterconfig.json');

    // Fork workers.
    var maxCPUs = process.env.WORKER_NUM || masterConfig.cluster.worker.num;

    for (let i = 0; i < maxCPUs; i++) {
        const worker=cluster.fork();

    var MasterNode=require('./lib/master');
    var master= new MasterNode(masterConfig);
    .then(done=> {
        console.log(`Master ${process.pid} running on ${masterConfig.pubsub.node}`);
    .catch(error=> { // cannot recover from master error
        console.error(`Master ${process.pid} error`,error.stack);
else if (cluster.isWorker) { // worker node
    var workerConfig=require('./config/workerconfig.json');
    var WorkerNode=require('./lib/worker');
    var worker= new WorkerNode(workerConfig);
    .then(done=> {
        console.log(`Worker ${process.pid} running on ${workerConfig.pubsub.node}`);
    .catch(error=> { // worker error is recoverable
        console.error(`Worker ${process.pid} error`,error.stack);


I have the following question. 我有以下问题。

1) By defaults the cluster module share the underlining HTTP connection uses a round-robin approach to serve requests - see here , where worker processes are spawned using the child_process.fork() . 1)默认情况下, cluster模块共享下划线HTTP连接使用循环方法来处理请求 - 请参阅此处 ,其中使用child_process.fork()生成工作进程。 I do not know if I can customize this method to distributing incoming connections. 我不知道我是否可以自定义此方法来分配传入连接。

2) So far, I serve static files, templates (like pig/swig) in a express web application on each Worker on PORT=3000 , thus meaning that I run static routes for the web app on each worker instance spawned. 2)到目前为止,我在PORT=3000上的每个Worker上的快速Web应用程序中提供静态文件,模板(如pig / swig),这意味着我在每个生成的工作器实例上运行Web应用程序的静态路由。 I'm not sure if this, in terms of memory occupation is the best approach. 我不确定这在内存占用方面是否是最佳方法。

3) Other clustering approach. 3)其他聚类方法。 I have asked about migrating this architecture to PM2, despite it seems to promising, I'm not sure it's the best option - see here for more details. 我已经问过将这个架构迁移到PM2,尽管看起来很有希望,我不确定它是最好的选择 - 请看这里了解更多细节。

The master should only care about starting the workers and shutting them down properly/watching out for signals from the host and responding accordingly. 主人应该只关心启动工人并正确关闭他们/注意来自主人的信号并做出相应的响应。 In my experience, I've had tricky bugs because I exposed an API on the master that should have been on a worker. 根据我的经验,我遇到了棘手的错误,因为我在主服务器上暴露了应该在工作者身上的API。

If you are planning to switch to PM2, PM2 will handle your master and you will need to move that code to the worker anyway (or at least that used to be the case) 如果您打算切换到PM2,PM2将处理您的主服务器,您无论如何都需要将该代码移动到工作者(或者至少是以前的情况)

Regarding your questions; 关于你的问题;

  1. If you have the need to override the round-robin or customize it, I think you have the goal to route the same client-traffic to the same worker, aka Sticky Sessions. 如果您需要覆盖循环或自定义循环,我认为您的目标是将相同的客户端流量路由到同一个工作人员,即Sticky Sessions。 There are ways to do so but there are limitations; 有办法,但有一些限制; if you are using a reverse proxy like nginx or haproxy in front of node (which you should) and also want sockets to work as expected (and have Docker in the game), you cant really fan out on the workers because the IP you see (on which you will calc the sticky session id) will always be the one of your proxy or of your docker host (even with x-forwarded-for header), which defeats the purpose of clustering in the first place. 如果你在节点前面使用像nginx或haproxy这样的反向代理(你应该)并且也希望套接字按预期工作(并且在游戏中有Docker),你就不能真正地对工作人员展开,因为你看到了IP (您将在其上计算粘性会话ID)将始终是您的代理或Docker主机之一(即使使用x-forwarded-for标头),这首先会破坏集群的目的。 -> My Solution was to start each worker on a new port (eg 3001, 3002 ... 300N) and let nginx handle the sticky session handling - >我的解决方案是在一个新端口上启动每个worker(例如3001,3002 ... 300N)并让nginx处理粘性会话处理
  2. This is not a problem but isn't ideal - and yes, memory will slightly go up because each worker loads the routes and modules. 这不是问题,但并不理想 - 是的,内存会略微上升,因为每个工作人员都会加载路由和模块。 But nginx is much faster in handling static files (and handling the cache for it with the many http-headers) than node is. 但是nginx在处理静态文件(以及使用许多http-header处理缓存)方面比节点更快。 So you should rely on nginx serving statics and keep node for dynamic requests (like /api /login etc.) 所以你应该依赖nginx服务静态并保持节点的动态请求(比如/ api / login等)
  3. PM2 is a good solution that has many advanced features such as reporting statistics and handle zero-downtime deployments but also costs money depending on which features you want to use PM2是一个很好的解决方案,具有许多高级功能,如报告统计信息和处理零停机时间部署,但也需要花钱,具体取决于您要使用哪些功能

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