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[英]How to import external jquery library into webpack?

I'm trying to set up an environment to work with webpack 4. I connected jquery to the assembly point, it is available in the code, it works. 我试图建立一个可与webpack 4一起使用的环境。我将jquery连接到了汇编点,它在代码中可用,并且可以正常工作。 When I connect jquery plug-ins there, there are problems with importing, the web package does not preserve the order of connection because of this, the plug-ins do not work. 当我在那里连接jquery插件时,导入存在问题,因此Web软件包不会保留连接顺序,因此,插件无法正常工作。 Tell me how to correctly import plug-ins not into one file but separately. 告诉我如何正确地将插件分别导入一个文件而不是一个文件中。 I rummaged through all the manuals, tried all the options, I do not understand anything. 我翻遍了所有手册,尝试了所有选项,但我什么都不懂。 How do webpacks usually include such libraries in an assembly? Webpack通常如何在程序集中包含此类库? I understand through ProvidePlugin? 我通过ProvidePlugin了解吗? Are there any other methods? 还有其他方法吗? I just want to know what methods are used and which is generally better. 我只想知道使用了哪些方法,哪种方法更好。

my entry point index.js 我的入口点index.js

import $ from 'jquery'; 
window.jQuery = $; 
  import './src/js/plugins/jquery.swipe'; 
  import './src/js/plugins/jquery.slider';
  import './src/js/plugins/jquery.parallax';
  import './src/js/plugins/custom';

the output should work out 输出应该算出来

  • dist/jquery.js DIST /的jquery.js
  • dist/jquery.swipe.js DIST / jquery.swipe.js
  • dist/jquery.parralax.js DIST / jquery.parralax.js
  • dist/custom.js DIST / custom.js
  • dist/webpack.bundle.js DIST / webpack.bundle.js

Try to add JQuery online CDN. 尝试添加JQuery在线CDN。 like, 喜欢,


In conig file 在conig文件中

module.exports = {
  externals: {
     jquery: 'jQuery'

And define dependancy 并定义依赖性

import $ from 'jquery';

Hope this work.. 希望这项工作..

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