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[英]How to add popovers for every cell in view collection in Swift

I've writing an app (kind of game) with words. 我正在用文字写一个应用程序(游戏类型)。 So, I have WordsVC with CollectionView (where every cell is a word). 所以,我有WordsVC和CollectionView (每个单元格是一个单词)。 And when word (cell) is long tapped, I want to show popover with translation beside the cell. 当长按单词(单元格)时,我想在单元格旁边显示带有翻译的弹出窗口。

But I can't add segue to cell (Xcode give me an error, kind of "can't compile"). 但是我无法将segue添加到单元格中(Xcode给我一个错误,有点“无法编译”)。 So, I'm segueing from CollectionView to TraslationVC(popover). 因此,我正在从CollectionView到TraslationVC(popover)。 And that is problem, because popover pops up in view collection's left top corner (I need beside tapped cell). 那是个问题,因为弹出框会在视图集合的左上角弹出(我需要在轻击的单元格旁边)。

I couldn't fine answer, by searching. 我无法通过搜索找到满意的答案。 What can I do to achieve it? 我该怎么做呢?

Here's some code: 这是一些代码:

Preparation for segue in WordsVC: 在WordsVC中准备segue:

 override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
    // for another segue
    if segue.identifier == "fromWordsToWin" {
        if let wvc = sender as? WordsViewController {
            if let winVC = segue.destination as? WinningViewController {
                winVC.completedLevel = wvc.currentLevel
                winVC.levelsCount = wvc.dataSource.count()
                winVC.resultTime = wvc.result
    // here
    if segue.identifier == "translationSegue" {
        if let cell = sender as? WordCell {
            if let tvc = segue.destination as? TranslationViewController {
                tvc.text = cell.myLabel.text ?? "empty cell"
                if let ppc = tvc.popoverPresentationController {
                    ppc.delegate = self


Setting not modal style in WordsVC: 在WordsVC中设置非模式样式:

 func adaptivePresentationStyle(for controller: UIPresentationController) -> UIModalPresentationStyle {
    return UIModalPresentationStyle.none

Segueing (from WordsVC): 序列化(来自WordsVC):

@objc func longTap(_ sender: UIGestureRecognizer) {
    print("long tap happend")
    if let cell = sender.view as? WordCell {
        performSegue(withIdentifier: "translationSegue", sender: cell)

And setting size of popover in TranslatingVC: 并在TranslatingVC中设置弹出窗口的大小:

 override var preferredContentSize: CGSize {
    get {
        if textView != nil && presentingViewController != nil {
            return textView.sizeThatFits(presentingViewController!.view.bounds.size)
        } else {
            return super.preferredContentSize
    set { super.preferredContentSize = newValue}

How to do this? 这个怎么做?

i've been advised to use popoverViewController.sourceView. 建议我使用popoverViewController.sourceView。 So, it works well! 因此,它运作良好! I also added some setting of exact location of my popover. 我还添加了一些有关弹出窗口确切位置的设置。 My code in prepareForSegue below (last 2 lines in code): 我在prepareForSegue下面的代码(代码的最后2行):

 if segue.identifier == "translationSegue" {
        if let cell = sender as? WordCell {
            if let tvc = segue.destination as? TranslationViewController {
                tvc.text = cell.myLabel.text ?? "empty cell"
                if let ppc = tvc.popoverPresentationController {
                    ppc.delegate = self
                    ppc.sourceView = cell
                    ppc.sourceRect = CGRect(x: cell.bounds.minX + cell.bounds.width / 5, y: cell.bounds.minY, width: 50, height: 50 )


screenshot, how it looks like now 屏幕截图,现在的样子

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