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[英]Access all child values of a snapshot in firebase

This is my Firebase Realtime Database. 这是我的Firebase实时数据库。 I want to read memberRollNo , and memberMobileNo of the node whose name(key) is equal to nname. 我想读取name(key)等于nname的节点的memberRollNo和memberMobileNo。 I am only able to read memberRollNo with my code and Textview for memberMobileNo shows out to be blank. 我只能用我的代码读取memberRollNo,而memberMobileNo的Textview显示为空白。

 DBRef = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference();

    DBRef.child("Members").addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
        public void onDataChange(@NonNull DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {

                String roll = dataSnapshot.child(nname).child("memberRollNo").getValue(String.class);

                String mob = dataSnapshot.child(nname).child("memberMobile").getValue(String.class);


        public void onCancelled(@NonNull DatabaseError databaseError) {


DRollNo and DMobile are textview. DRollNo和DMobile是textview。

Change this: 更改此:

String mob = dataSnapshot.child(nname).child("memberMobile").getValue(String.class);

into this: 到这个:

 String mob = dataSnapshot.child(nname).child("memberPhone").getValue(String.class);

In your database, you do not have a child called memberMobile . 在数据库中,没有一个名为memberMobile的子memberMobile The name inside the method child() needs to be the same as in the database to be able to retrieve it. 方法child()的名称必须与数据库中的名称相同才能检索它。

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