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[英]How to remove a property added to a class instance with Object.defineProperty?

It seems I can't just delete it, check it: 看来我不能只删除它,请检查它:

 class classy { constructor() { this.a = "I am classy"; } } var o = new classy(); Object.defineProperty(o, "b", {"get":()=>"hello"}); console.log("testing ob = " + ob); delete ob; console.log("deleted ob = " + ob); 

The default value of configurable is false so you should set it to true to be able to delete that property.. configurable的默认值为false因此您应该将其设置为true以能够删除该属性。

 class classy { constructor() { this.a = "I am classy"; } } var o = new classy(); Object.defineProperty(o, "b", { "get": () => "hello", configurable: true }); delete ob; console.log(ob) 

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