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[英]KMV in r solving non linear equations

I am currently doing my master thesis on Merton KMV model and I need to implement it to a set of companies. 我目前正在做有关Merton KMV模型的硕士论文,我需要将其应用于一系列公司。 Here is the link to the csv file I used. 这是我使用的csv文件的链接。

I am trying to loop the process to solve the nonlinear equations. 我正在尝试循环求解非线性方程组。 So far I have found a solution to solve it once by implementing each parameters manually but now I need to apply it to the whole dataframe. 到目前为止,我已经找到了一种解决方案,可以通过手动实现每个参数来解决它,但是现在我需要将其应用于整个数据帧。

This is the code I have come up with so far: 到目前为止,这是我想出的代码:

Loading file and Library, setting the index 加载文件和库,设置索引

library(nleqslv) #this is a package that solve a non linear equation to compute both the value of teh asset and its volatility according to the Black and Scholes formula in the Merton model

df <- read.csv("/AREX_D.csv")
rownames(df) <- df$Date

start <- as.Date("31-12-16",format="%d-%m-%y")
end   <- as.Date("31-12-17",format="%d-%m-%y")
theDate <- start

Definition of the variables 变量的定义

E <- df$Market.Cap
D <- df$Default.point
T <- 1
sigmaE <- df$stdev
r <- -0.017
df$Asset <- NA
df$sigmaA <- NA
df$DD <- NA
df$PD <- NA

Function from the nleqslv package that solve the non linear equation 来自nleqslv软件包的函数,用于解决非线性方程

fnewton <- function(x)
  y <- numeric(2)
  d1 <- (log(x[1]/D)+(r+x[2]^2/2)*T)/x[2]*sqrt(T)
  d2 <- d1-x[2]*sqrt(T)
  y[1] <- E-(x[1]*pnorm(d1)-exp(-r*T)*D*pnorm(d2))
  y[2] <- sigmaE*E-pnorm(d1)*x[2]*x[1]

Loop that should implement the function to every row in the dataset for the selected dates. 应当在所选日期的数据集中的每一行上实现该功能的循环。

xstart <- c(E+D, sigmaE)#initialising the x-values (asset value and volatility for the function to solve the non linear equation

while (theDate<=end)
  out <- nleqslv(xstart,fnewton,method="Newton")
  df$Asset <- out[1]
  df$sigmaA <- out[2]
  theDate <- theDate+1

My two problems are: 我的两个问题是:

  1. I need to solve the equation for each selected row in the dataset 我需要为数据集中的每个选定行求解方程式
  2. The output of the equation is a list and I need to append each value of teh list to two separate columns. 等式的输出是一个列表,我需要将list的每个值附加到两个单独的列中。 I don't know if it is possible. 不知道有没有可能

I have found a package that could solve this issue: ifrogs but it is not available through R version 3.5.1 我发现了一个可以解决此问题的软件包:ifrogs,但它无法通过R版本3.5.1获得。

If anyone has any insight on either problem that would be of termendous help. 如果有人对这两个问题有任何见解,那将有很大帮助。

Thank you in advance :) 先感谢您 :)

You should read the csv with 您应该阅读csv与

df <- read.csv("AREX_D.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

to keep the dates a characters. 保持日期为字符。 See below for why. 有关原因,请参见下文。

Your function fnewton contains errors. 您的函数fnewton包含错误。 It uses D , E and sigmaE but these are vectors. 它使用DEsigmaE但是它们是向量。 The function accepts a vector as argument (argument x ) and uses the individual elements of this vector. 该函数接受一个向量作为参数(参数x ),并使用该向量的各个元素。 This combination will generate error messages. 此组合将生成错误消息。 In your code xstart is a single long vector. 在您的代码中xstart是单个长向量。 This will not be accepted by nleqslv . nleqslv将不接受此nleqslv

The function definition should be changed to 函数定义应更改为

fnewton <- function(x, D, E, sigmaE)
  y <- numeric(2)
  d1 <- (log(x[1]/D)+(r+x[2]^2/2)*T)/x[2]*sqrt(T)
  d2 <- d1-x[2]*sqrt(T)
  y[1] <- E-(x[1]*pnorm(d1)-exp(-r*T)*D*pnorm(d2))
  y[2] <- sigmaE*E-pnorm(d1)*x[2]*x[1]

The values for D etc. should be passed to the function as scalars. D等的值应作为标量传递给函数。

nleqslv returns a list consisting of various items. nleqslv返回一个包含各种项目的列表。 One of these is x : the final value for the argument x . 其中之一是x :参数x的最终值。 You cannot access these as out[1] and out[2] . 您不能以out[1]和out [2]的身份访问它们. You need to store the output in each row of the dataframe. 您需要将输出存储在数据框的每一行中。

You want to store these in the dataframe so use out$x[1] and out$x[2] . 您要将它们存储在数据框中,因此请使用out$x[1]out$x[2] Some initial values for the starting value xstart contain NA . 起始值xstart一些初始值包含NA So one needs to test if xstart contains NA before calling nleqslv . 因此,需要在调用nleqslv之前测试xstart包含NA

There are other errors in your code and the final while loop. 您的代码和最终的while循环中还有其他错误。 So change the final loop to this 因此将最终循环更改为此

df$termcd <- -1
kstart <- which(df$Date == "03/01/2017")
kend  <- NROW(df)

for( k in kstart:kend ) {
    xstart <- c(E[k]+D[k], sigmaE[k])
    if(anyNA(xstart)) { next } # skip NA in input
    out <- nleqslv(xstart,fnewton,method="Newton", D=D[k],E=E[k],sigmaE=sigmaE[k])
    df$Asset[k] <- out$x[1]
    df$sigmaA[k] <- out$x[2]
    df$termcd[k] <- out$termcd

And now check if solutions have been obtained by inspecting df$termcd . 现在检查df$termcd是否获得了解决方案。

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