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[英]How to Add a Reference to a Web Service in NodeJS

Is it possible to add Web reference in NodeJS project as we do in .NET framework Web API Projects ? 是否可以像在.NET框架Web API项目中一样在NodeJS项目中添加Web引用? Basically NodeJS API project will act as a middleware between Front End and XML Web service.XML Web service is kinda secured third party service which we want to integrate in our NodeJS projects.Configuring & Integrating web service in C# Web API project is very easy but in NodeJS its bit tricky it seems. 基本上NodeJS API项目将作为前端和XML Web服务之间的中间件.XML Web服务是一种安全的第三方服务,我们希望将其集成到我们的NodeJS项目中。在C#Web API项目中配置和集成Web服务非常容易但是在NodeJS中看起来有点棘手。

You can't add references directly like you do in .Net; 您不能像在.Net中那样直接添加引用; however, there are a number of node_modules which support integration with 3rd party services. 但是,有许多node_modules支持与第三方服务的集成。 For example (given that you mentioned XML), this module ( node ) takes a .wsdl file and generates a SOAP api wrapper. 例如(假设您提到了XML),此模块( 节点 )获取.wsdl文件并生成SOAP api包装器。

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