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AJAX 请求将空表单数据发送到 PHP

[英]AJAX request sends empty form data to PHP

This is the code which sends data to the database.这是将数据发送到数据库的代码。 It works correctly when I filled form field and click the 'Add Record' button.当我填写表单字段并单击“添加记录”按钮时,它可以正常工作。 It inserts the data successfully in the database.它成功地将数据插入到数据库中。

However the main problem is that if the form field is empty and then I click the button, it sends empty data to the database.但是主要问题是,如果表单字段为空,然后我单击按钮,它会将空数据发送到数据库。

 function addRecord() { var formData = new FormData($("#form1")[0]); //It automatically collects all fields from form $.ajax({ url: "ajax/EditDeleteLecture.php", type: "post", data: formData, async: false, cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(output) { alertify.set('notifier', 'delay', 3); alertify.set('notifier', 'position', 'top-right'); alertify.success('Data Inserted Successfully'); readRecords(); $('#form1').trigger("reset"); } }); }

you have 3 places where you can tackle empty data issue before saving to database在保存到数据库之前,您有 3 个地方可以解决空数据问题

1- Put required attribute in your input elements so that user can not submit empty fields. 1-在您的输入元素中放置必需的属性,以便用户不能提交空字段。

2- validate your form data in java-script function addRecord() before making ajax request. 2-在发出 ajax 请求之前,在 java 脚本 function addRecord() 中验证您的表单数据。 if the validation is complete send ajax call else show message to user to fill the data.如果验证完成,请发送 ajax 调用,否则向用户显示消息以填写数据。

3- validate your data that you received in $_POST variable and if fields are empty, send error message back in ajax response and show error to user. 3-验证您在 $_POST 变量中收到的数据,如果字段为空,则在 ajax 响应中发回错误消息并向用户显示错误。

When You get form data value while you should the form field value is empty or not... or use print_r($_POST) data..

/* on submitting my form */

  $( '#myform' ).submit(function() {

               var errors = [];

        /*     else if Textarea is empty display message error */
               if($('#myform textarea').val()=="") {  
                    errors[errors.length] = 'enter your message';

        /*      if radio button is not being selected display message error */
                if (!$(":radio:checked").attr('checked')) {
                   errors[errors.length] = 'select a radio';

                if(errors.length > 0){
                    var errMsg = "Please "

                    for(e = 0; e < errors.length-1; e++){
                        errMsg += errors[e]+", ";

                     errMsg = errMsg.substr(0, errMsg.length -2)+" and "+errors[errors.length-1];
                     return false;

        /*          Everthing is good display success message and add SENDING class to submit button */
                    else {
                        $('#myform :submit').addClass('sending').html('Sending message...');
                        $('#errors').empty().text('All Good :D');
                return false;

Make sure to set the contentType property to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" in order to parse this in the backend server.确保将 contentType 属性设置为"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ,以便在后端服务器中解析它。

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