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[英]Java regex: multiple matches in positive lookahead and lookbehind

I have some strings like this 我有一些像这样的字符串

  • my {test} value
  • my { test } value
  • my { test } value

I need to create a regex that will get everything inside {} without spaces. 我需要创建一个正则表达式,使{}内的所有内容都没有空格。

With the next pattern (?<=\\{)\\s*[a-zA-Z]+\\s*(?=}) I get the content of curly brackets but with spaces 使用下一个模式(?<=\\{)\\s*[a-zA-Z]+\\s*(?=})我得到大括号的内容但是有空格


If I put \\s* to positive lookahead like this (?<=\\{\\s*)[a-zA-Z]+(?=\\s*}) I see next error 如果我把\\s*放到像这样的正向前瞻(?<=\\{\\s*)[a-zA-Z]+(?=\\s*})我看到下一个错误

Unable to execute regular expression. 无法执行正则表达式。 java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException: Look-behind group does not have an obvious maximum length near index 8 (?<={\\s*)[a-zA-Z]+(?=\\s*}) ^ java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException:Look-behind组在索引8附近没有明显的最大长度(?<= {\\ s *)[a-zA-Z] +(?= \\ s *})^

Is it possible to achieve this without trim() of every regex match? 是否有可能在没有每个正则表达式匹配的trim()的情况下实现这一点?

You don't need look ahead or look behind. 你不需要向前看或向后看。 Simple regex like this is enough, 像这样的简单正则表达式就够了,


Demo, https://regex101.com/r/REDmDT/2 (included some more sample strings) 演示, https://regex101.com/r/REDmDT/2 (包含更多示例字符串)

Like you said, "I need to create a regex that will get everything inside {} without spaces" 就像你说的那样,“我需要创建一个正则表达式,将所有内容都放在{}中,而不是空格”

This regex gives you everything within curley braces while excluding right /left spaces and preserving any spaces inside as it is. 这个正则表达式为你提供了curley括号内的所有内容,同时排除了右/左空格并保留了内部的任何空格。

Here is a java code demonstrating same. 这是一个演示相同的java代码。

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    List<String> list = Arrays.asList("my  {test} value", "my  {   test     } value", "my  { test  } value",
            "my  { test hello I am  } value", "my  { testing 10 times  } value");
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\{\\s*(.*?)\\s*\\}");

    list.forEach(x -> {
        Matcher m = p.matcher(x);
        if (m.find()) {
            System.out.println(x + " --> " + m.group(1));

This outputs, 这输出,

my  {test} value --> test
my  {   test     } value --> test
my  { test  } value --> test
my  { test hello I am  } value --> test hello I am
my  { testing 10 times  } value --> testing 10 times

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