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在macOS Sierra上使用git-review进行RequestsDependencyWarning

[英]RequestsDependencyWarning with git-review on macOS Sierra

I've just upgraded (using homebrew ), my git-review today from 1.26 to 1.27. 我刚刚升级(使用homebrew ),我今天的git-review从1.26升级到1.27。 I've got Python 3 installed on my system as well (macOS Sierra). 我的系统上也安装了Python 3(macOS Sierra)。

When I try to submit patch for review using git review -R , I get this error; 当我尝试使用git review -R提交补丁进行审查时,出现此错误;

/usr/local/Cellar/git-review/1.27.0/libexec/vendor/lib/python3.7/site-packages/requests/__init__.py:91: RequestsDependencyWarning: urllib3 (1.24) or chardet (3.0.4) doesn't match a supported version! RequestsDependencyWarning)

I've searched online and came up empty, maybe this is a compatibility issue with the latest version of git-review on macOS Sierra with Python packages? 我已经在网上搜索并空了出来,也许这是macOS Sierra上使用Python软件包的最新版本git-review的兼容性问题?

我用brew reinstall git-review修复了它,可以尝试一下。

The requests library defines a highest supported version of urllib3 – when a new version of urllib3 comes out, it is tested and once it is confirmed to work, a new version of requests that supports it is released. 请求库定义了受支持的urllib3的最高版本 –出现新版本的urllib3时,将对其进行测试,并在确认其正常工作后,会发布支持该请求的新版本。 This doesn't necessarily mean that the previous version won't work, just that it is untested. 这并不一定意味着先前的版本将无法使用,而只是未经测试。

Apparently git-review vendors its dependencies, ie it uses a pinned version of the requests and urllib3 libraries. 显然,git-review供应商依赖于它,即它使用请求和urllib3库的固定版本。 For this release, they seem to be using an untested combination of the two. 对于此发行版,他们似乎正在使用未经测试的两者的组合。 Git-review continues to work just fine for me, so I think the warning is safe to ignore and should disappear in the next release, when they (hopefully) vendor compatible versions. Git-review继续对我来说仍然可以正常工作,因此我认为警告可以忽略不计,并且在他们(希望)与供应商兼容的版本下一次发布时应消失。

All that said, Index's suggestion of reinstalling git-review fixed it for me. 综上所述,Index提出的重新安装git-review的建议已为我修复。 (That somehow updated the vendored requests from 2.19.1 to 2.20.0) Not sure what's going on there. (以某种方式将供应商的请求从2.19.1更新为2.20.0)不确定发生了什么。

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