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Windows 10上Visual Studio 2003的浮动工具栏

[英]Floating toolbar for Visual Studio 2003 on Windows 10

We have installed Visual Studio 2003 .NET (and then SP1) on Windows 10 64-bit with dual monitors for support of an older legacy application. 我们已在Windows 10 64位上安装了Visual Studio 2003 .NET(然后是SP1),并带有双监视器,以支持较旧的旧版应用程序。

The main Visual Studio (VS) window is displayed on the right monitor. Visual Studio(VS)主窗口显示在右侧监视器上。 While VS itself works fine, a weird floating toolbar appears in the middle of the desktop on the left (primary) monitor as in the image below. 虽然VS本身可以正常工作,但是在左侧(主)监视器的桌面中间会出现一个奇怪的floating工具栏,如下图所示。


Title bar icons in the upper right of the main window operate as expected. 主窗口右上方的标题栏图标将按预期运行。 Icons on the floating toolbar also work (ie. clicking the "X" causes VS to exit). 浮动工具栏上的图标也可以工作(即,单击“ X”会导致VS退出)。 Curiously, if you Minimise and then Restore the main application, the floating toolbar disappears! 奇怪的是,如果Minimise然后Restore主应用程序,则浮动工具栏将消失!

Is there any way to stop this strange floating toolbar from appearing (without first minimising and then restoring)? 有什么方法可以阻止这种奇怪的浮动工具栏出现(无需先最小化然后还原)?

A separate problem with running 32-bit Visual Studio 2003 .NET on 64-bit Windows 10 relates to Find . 在64位Windows 10上运行32位Visual Studio 2003 .NET的另一个问题与Find Visual Studio hangs and has to be killed via Task Manager. Visual Studio挂起,必须通过任务管理器杀死。 The problem is discussed in this StackOverflow question . 此问题在StackOverflow问题中进行了讨论。

A registry change is required to resolve the above Find problem and which incidentally resolves the floating toolbar issue as well. 若要解决上述“ Find问题,需要进行注册表更改,并且顺便解决了floating toolbar问题。 Copy the code below into a .reg file and merge (but check that the installation path to Visual Studio is correct!). 将下面的代码复制到.reg文件中并合并(但请检查Visual Studio的安装路径是否正确!)。

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

; Disables themes for Visual Studio 2003 .NET
; Note you will have to maximise the window after loading your project
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers]
"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\\Common7\\IDE\\devenv.exe"="^ RUNASADMIN DISABLEDWM DISABLETHEMES"

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