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为什么我不能“等待”来自 Atlassian SDK 的 Async 方法?

[英]Why I cannot "await" an Async method from Atlassian SDK?

I am desperately trying to run the following code:我拼命地尝试运行以下代码:

var ad = jira.Issues.GetIssuesFromJqlAsync("PROJECT = MyProject AND ISSUETYPE = DEFECT");

The signature of the method is Task<IPagedQueryResult<Issue>> ( documentation link )该方法的签名是Task<IPagedQueryResult<Issue>>文档链接

The method should be async but I cannot use "await" (I get the error that the method needs to be marked with async and return task..).该方法应该是异步的,但我不能使用“await”(我收到错误,该方法需要用异步标记并返回任务..)。 I am able to execute it by calling ad.start() but that is not asynchronous.我可以通过调用ad.start()来执行它,但这不是异步的。 What can I do to fix this?我能做些什么来解决这个问题?

mark you method Async.标记你的方法异步。 if you dont need the return it dosnt need to be a task,如果你不需要回报,它不需要是一项任务,

it should look like:它应该看起来像:

public async Task<string> YourMethod()
    var ad = await jira.Issues.GetIssuesFromJqlAsync("PROJECT = MyProject AND ISSUETYPE = DEFECT");
    return ad.ToString();

if you want the return, or:如果您想要退货,或者:

async Task MyMethodAsync()
  var ad = await jira.Issues.GetIssuesFromJqlAsync("PROJECT = MyProject AND ISSUETYPE = DEFECT");


for a more in depth explanation here are the docs...对于更深入的解释,这里是文档......

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