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[英]Interpolation string from variable c#

I'm trying to interpolate a string combined of two strings in C#. 我试图在C#中内插两个字符串组合而成的字符串。 I have following code in VS 2015: 我在VS 2015中有以下代码:

DateTime date = DateTime.Now;
string username = "abc";
string mask = "{date:yy}/{username}";

What I want in result is: 我想要的结果是:


I know that I can interpolate it like: 我知道我可以像这样插值:

mask = $"{date:yy}/{username}"

but mask is also an input. 但是遮罩也是输入。 So i need something like: 所以我需要这样的东西:

string result = $"{mask}"

but the result is : 但结果是:


Mask is actually downloaded from the database and in each case sequence of information can be different. 掩码实际上是从数据库下载的,在每种情况下,信息序列可能会有所不同。 I need to store in db whole mask and only complement it in code. 我需要将整个掩码存储在db中,并且仅在代码中对其进行补充。 I can't use String.Replace() method like 我不能像这样使用String.Replace()方法

mask.Replace({date}, date.ToString())

because I need to have possibility to add some formatting like :yy, :yyyy, :dd etc. 因为我需要添加诸如:yy,:yyyy,:dd等的格式。

Is there any possibility to do this? 有可能这样做吗?

Sure string.Format() 确定string.Format()

string mask = string.Format("{0:yy}/{1}", date, username);

or string interpolation 字符串插值

string mask = $"{date:yy}/{username}";

You can use string.Format() for that: 您可以为此使用string.Format()

string mask = GetMaskFromDB(); //assume it returns "{0}/{1:yy}"
string username = "abc";
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;

var result = string.Format(mask, username, dt);

Result: "abc/18" 结果:“ abc / 18”

References: DotNetFiddle Example , String.Format Method 参考: DotNetFiddle示例String.Format方法

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