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pymysql 错误:'str' 对象没有属性 'nextset'

[英]pymysql error: 'str' object has no attribute 'nextset'

I am running into an issue building a random project for myself.我遇到了为自己构建随机项目的问题。 I am trying to record entries into a mysql database that the user types in. I am storing them in a dictionary.我正在尝试将条目记录到用户键入的mysql数据库中。我将它们存储在字典中。 The error message is错误信息是

  while self.nextset():
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'nextset'

I have googled and searched for this issue, but I only find issues kind of like it but not the same error.我用谷歌搜索并搜索了这个问题,但我只找到了类似的问题,但不是同样的错误。

My table headers in mysql db match the dictionary keys.我在mysql db 中的表头与字典键匹配。 I do realize I have issues with selection (2) but my error and what I am troubleshooting now is just when I select option (1).我确实意识到我在选择 (2) 时遇到了问题,但我的错误以及我现在要排除的故障只是当我选择选项 (1) 时。

import mysql
import pymysql
from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta

cursor = pymysql.cursors.Cursor

# Function for adding a new entry
def new_entry(name, date, task, time, notes):
    # Build dictionary with new entry information

    myDict = {
        'Employee': name,     # Name of employee
        'Date': date,         # Date of worked task
        'Task': task,   # Title of Task
        'Time': time,         # Time spent on task
        'Notes': notes   # Notes on the task
    table = ('timesheet')
    placeholders = ', '.join(['%s'] * len(myDict))
    columns = ', '.join(myDict.keys())
    sql = "INSERT INTO %s ( %s ) VALUES ( %s )" % (table, columns, 
    pymysql.cursors.Cursor.execute(sql, myDict)

#list all entries for a particular employee
def previous_entries(emp_name):
        "SELECT * from user_data WHERE Name = %s", (emp_name,))

#list all entries that match a date or search term
#def search_entries():
#    return null

#Print a report of this information to the screen, including the date, title 
#of task, time spent, employee, and general notes.

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #cnx = mysql.connect(user='root', database='me10_mig')
    cnx = pymysql.connect(user='root', password='password', 

    print("Please enter (1), (2), or (3)")
    begin = input("Would you like to (1) enter a new entry or (2) display 
    previous entries or (3) display entries that match a date or search 
    term? ")

    if begin == '1':
        name = input("Your Name: ")
        date = input("Date of Time Worked: ")
        task = input("Title of Task: ")
        time = input("Time Spent on Task: ")
        notes = input("Notes on Time Worked: ")
        new_entry(name, date, task, time, notes)

    if begin == '2':
        name = input("What is the employee name: ")

    #if begin == '3':

The error I get says:我得到的错误说:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/Users/a089673/Desktop/Python/TeamTreeHouse/Part 4/timesheet.py", line 61, in <module>
    new_entry(name, date, task, time, notes)
  File "C:/Users/a089673/Desktop/Python/TeamTreeHouse/Part 4/timesheet.py", line 27, in new_entry
    pymysql.cursors.Cursor.execute(sql, myDict)
  File "C:\Users\a089673\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python36\site packages\pymysql\cursors.py", line 165, in execute
    while self.nextset():
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'nextset'

Process finished with exit code 1

Any suggestions?有什么建议?

I suspect your might stem from using a dict to hold the arguments to .execute() , but not using named string patterns in the SQL statement.我怀疑您可能源于使用dict来保存.execute()的参数,而不是在 SQL 语句中使用命名字符串模式。

The docs suggest using %s when passing a list or tuple, but rather use %(name)s when passing a dict . 文档建议在传递列表或元组时使用%s ,而在传递dict时使用%(name)s

I suggest you try this code:我建议你试试这个代码:

def new_entry(name, date, task, time, notes):
    # Build dictionary with new entry information

    myDict = {
        'Employee': name,     # Name of employee
        'Date': date,         # Date of worked task
        'Task': task,   # Title of Task
        'Time': time,         # Time spent on task
        'Notes': notes   # Notes on the task
    table = ('timesheet')

    column_list = []
    placeholder_list = []
    for k in myDict:
        placeholder_list.append('%(' + k + ')s')

    sql = "INSERT INTO %s ( %s ) VALUES ( %s )" % (
        ', '.join(column_list),
        ', '.join(placeholder_list))

    pymysql.cursors.Cursor.execute(sql, myDict)

This will also ensure that the column names and the placeholders are in the same order.这也将确保列名和占位符的顺序相同。 Your original code did not consider that (remember, iterating over dicts multimple time is not garanteed to give the same order each time).您的原始代码没有考虑到这一点(请记住,多次迭代 dicts 并不保证每次都给出相同的顺序)。

I totally overlooked the part where you establish a connection to the database.我完全忽略了与数据库建立连接的部分。 You need to pass that connection as a parameter to new_entry() and use it.您需要将该连接作为参数传递给new_entry()并使用它。

Try this:尝试这个:

def new_entry(cnx, name, date, task, time, notes):
    sql = "INSERT INTO timesheet (Employee, Date, Task, Time, Notes) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
    values = (name, date, task, time, notes)

    with cnx.cursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute(sql, values)

cnx = pymysql.connect(user='root', password='password', database='me10_mig')
new_entry(cnx, ...)

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