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[英]WCF add query parameter not expected in signature

I have a contract used in a WCF POST. 我有WCF POST中使用的合同。 During the call, I need to add an extra parameter that I cannot add in the signature, because I get disambiguation issues. 在通话期间,我需要添加一个我无法在签名中添加的额外参数,因为会出现歧义消除问题。

Contract: 合同:

    [WebInvoke(UriTemplate = "", Method = "POST")]
    Y Create(Stream x);

    [WebInvoke(UriTemplate = "?cmd=put", Method = "POST")]
    Y Create2(Stream x);

What I'm trying to do is to alter the WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingRequest to add this parameter, bool allowOverwrite . 我正在尝试做的是更改WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingRequest以添加此参数bool allowOverwrite

The only way to make it work was by adding a header, which is not a happy choice. 使其起作用的唯一方法是添加标题,这不是一个好选择。 WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingRequest.Headers.Add(...)

Any idea how I can improve this? 知道我该如何改善吗?

Note: I cannot do major changes to the contract as it is mainly legacy code. 注意:我不能对合同进行重大更改,因为它主要是遗留代码。

You can install WCF Web Extensions nuget package ( nuget link ). 您可以安装WCF Web扩展 nuget软件包( nuget link )。 Then you will be able to add optional query parameters even outside an WebOperationContext scope, like this: 然后,您甚至可以在WebOperationContext范围之外添加可选的查询参数,如下所示:

using (var factory = new WebChannelFactory<IQueryParametersTestService>(new WebHttpBinding()))
     factory.Endpoint.Address = new EndpointAddress(ServiceUri);
     factory.Endpoint.EndpointBehaviors.Add(new QueryParametersServiceBehavior());
     using (var client = factory.CreateWebChannel())
           client.AddQueryParameter("format", "xml");
           client.AddQueryParameter("version", "2");
           var result = client.Channel.GetReport();

Server-side you can retrieve the optional query parameters using WebOperationContext. 在服务器端,您可以使用WebOperationContext检索可选的查询参数。

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