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[英]WPF Getting selected option of combobox item template

I populate my Combobox with textblocks via a datatemplate, since this was the most direct way i could find to populate the dropdown box with a list of variables. 我通过数据模板用文本块填充组合框,因为这是我可以找到的使用变量列表填充下拉框的最直接方法。 However, now that I am trying to read the value or selected option, I have no idea how to tackle it. 但是,由于我现在正在尝试读取值或选定的选项,所以我不知道如何解决它。 All other topics recommend "SelectedValue.ToString();" 所有其他主题建议“ SelectedValue.ToString();” or the likes, but this just returns the first line of my XAML.. 等等,但这只是返回我的XAML的第一行。

My Xaml; 我的Xaml;

<ComboBox Name="DropdownDansen" Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="2" Margin="5" 
Grid.ColumnSpan="2" SelectedValue="{Binding dans}">
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding dans}"/>

my cs: 我的CS:

    public List<Person> people = new List<Person>();

        public MainWindow()
            people.Add(new Person { id = "0", dans = "Tango", teamlid1 = "Daniel 
", teamlid2 = "Sabrina ", coach = "Hans van Bommel" });
            people.Add(new Person { id = "1", dans = "Wals", teamlid1 = "de Ridder", teamlid2 = "Aninka ", coach = "Hans van Bommel" });
            people.Add(new Person { id = "2", dans = "Foxtrot", teamlid1 = "de Ridder", teamlid2 = "de Ridder", coach = "Hans van Bommel" });
            people.Add(new Person { id = "3", dans = "Quickstep", teamlid1 = "de Ridder", teamlid2 = "de Ridder", coach = "Dansschool van Amersfoort" });

            DropdownDansen.ItemsSource = people;
            displayDans.DataContext = new DisplayText() { deDans = "chachacha" 
            displaylid1.DataContext = new DisplayText() { lid1 = "Kees" };
            displaylid2.DataContext = new DisplayText() { lid2 = "Hariette" };
            displaycoach.DataContext = new DisplayText() { deCoach = "Steve" };

        public class Person
            public string id { get; set; }
            public string dans { get; set; }
            public string teamlid1 { get; set; }
            public string teamlid2 { get; set; }
            public string coach { get; set; }


Edit: The answer provided by @mm8 does quite the trick! 编辑:@ mm8提供的答案确实很成功! However, with the combobox updated, the dropdown menu is filled with the first line of my xaml instead! 但是,在组合框更新后,下拉菜单中填充了我的xaml的第一行! 项目的屏幕截图

 <ComboBox Name="DropdownDansen" Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="2" Margin="5" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" SelectedValue="{Binding dans}" SelectedValuePath="dans"/>

Cast SelectedItem to a Person : SelectedItem投射到一个Person

Person selectedPerson = DropdownDansen.SelectedItem as Person;
if (selectedPerson != null)
    string dans = selectedPerson.dans;

For your binding ( SelectedValue="{Binding dans}" ) to work, dans should be a string property of the DataContext of the ComboBox and you should also set the SelectedValuePath property to "dans": 为了使绑定( SelectedValue="{Binding dans}" )起作用, dans应该是ComboBoxDataContextstring属性,并且还应该将SelectedValuePath属性设置为“ dans”:

<ComboBox Name="DropdownDansen" ... SelectedValue="{Binding dans}" SelectedValuePath="dans">

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