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Webpack 4:模块解析失败:意外的令牌

[英]Webpack 4: Module parse failed: Unexpected token

During my builds, webpack is giving me this error: 在我的构建过程中,webpack给我这个错误:

ERROR in ./client/components/App/index.tsx 15:9 Module parse failed: Unexpected token (15:9) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type. ./client/components/App/index.tsx中的错误15:9模块解析失败:意外的令牌(15:9)您可能需要适当的加载程序来处理此文件类型。

> const App: SFC = () => (
|   <div style={{ background: "red" }}>
|     <h3>test</h3>

@ ./client/index.tsx 11:4-14:6 12:24-51 @ multi react-hot-loader/patch ./client/index.tsx webpack-hot-middleware/client?path=/__webpack_hmr&timeout=20000&reload=true @ ./client/index.tsx 11:4-14:6 12:24-51 @ multi react-hot-loader / patch ./client/index.tsx webpack-hot-middleware / client?path = / __ webpack_hmr&timeout = 20000&reload =真

Here is my webpack.config.ts : 这是我的webpack.config.ts

import CleanWebpackPlugin from "clean-webpack-plugin";
import HtmlWebpackPlugin from "html-webpack-plugin";
import path from "path";
import { Configuration, HotModuleReplacementPlugin } from "webpack";

const rootDir = ["..", "..", "..", ".."];
const distDir = ["..", ".."];

// this file lives in one place as `.ts` and another as `.js` grab the
// file extension to determine the include path relative to its location
const include =
  path.extname(module.id) === ".ts"
    ? path.resolve(__dirname, "client", "index.tsx")
    : path.resolve(__dirname, ...rootDir, "client", "index.tsx");
const exclude = /node_modules/;
const tsconfig = path.resolve(

// development plugins
const plugins = [
  new HotModuleReplacementPlugin(),
  new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
    template: path.resolve(__dirname, "..", "..", "..", "index.html")
  new CleanWebpackPlugin([path.resolve(__dirname, ...distDir, "*.*")], {
    allowExternal: true,
    root: __dirname,
    verbose: true

// script for webpack-hot-middleware
const hotMiddlewareScript: string =

const webpackDevConfig: Configuration = {
  context: path.resolve(__dirname, ...rootDir),
  devtool: "source-map",
  entry: {
    app: ["react-hot-loader/patch", include, hotMiddlewareScript]
  mode: "development",
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.css$/,
        use: ["style-loader", "css-loader"]
        loader: "ts-loader",
        options: {
          configFile: tsconfig,
          transpileOnly: true
        test: /\.tsx?$/
        enforce: "pre",
        loader: "source-map-loader",
        test: /\.js$/
  optimization: {
    nodeEnv: "development"
  output: {
    filename: "[name].bundle.js",
    path: path.join(__dirname, ...distDir),
    publicPath: path.join(__dirname, ...distDir, "static/")
  resolve: {
    extensions: [".js", ".ts", ".tsx", "*"]
  target: "web"

export default webpackDevConfig;

My App.tsx : 我的App.tsx

import React, { SFC } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";

const App: SFC = () => (
  <div style={{ background: "red" }}>

My index.tsx : 我的index.tsx

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { App } from "./components";

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("app"));

// enables Hot Module Replacement (HMR)
if ((module as any).hot) {
  (module as any).hot.accept("./components/App", () => {
    // for HMR to work, `App` must be re-required
    const NextApp = require("./components/App").default;
    ReactDOM.render(<NextApp />, document.getElementById("app"));

My tsconfig.json : 我的tsconfig.json

  "compilerOptions": {
    "allowJs": true,
    "jsx": "react",
    "module": "commonjs",

The error itself seems to give the solution: You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type. 错误本身似乎提供了解决方案: You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type. , however, it is my understanding that ts-loader should be able to handle react. 但是,据我了解, ts-loader应该能够处理反应。

Here is an example webpack.config provided by the ts-loader team used in an app that uses typescript and react. 是由ts-loader团队提供的webpack.config示例,该应用程序在使用打字稿并做出反应的应用中使用。 The set up is fairly similar to my own, however, I do not use webpack-dev-server , rather, I use webpack-dev-middleware . 该设置与我自己的设置非常相似,但是,我不使用webpack-dev-server ,而是使用webpack-dev-middleware

The issue was resolved by niba 's comment on the original question. niba对原始问题的评论解决了该问题。 It seems that ts-loader when given a single module to include will not traverse the linked modules. ts-loader在给定要include的单个模块时似乎不会遍历链接的模块。 Removing the include field or using the folder name fixed this error for me. 删除include字段或使用文件夹名称为我修复了此错误。

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