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通过动态创建linq查询,在c#中为Sql等效“column is null”创建Linq表达式

[英]Create Linq Expression for Sql Equivalent “column is null” in c# by creating linq query dynamically

I have a table with following schema: 我有一个包含以下架构的表:

  create table test 
    foo1 nvarchar(4),
    foo2 nvarchar(30)
  create unique index test_foo1 on test (foo1);

When created entity using Entity using EF, it generated a class like: 当使用EF使用Entity创建实体时,它生成了一个类,如:

public class Test
  public string foo1 {get; set;}
  public string foo2 {get; set;}

So when editing this record, I am building dynamic expression tree like below to find if there is a database record for actually editing: 因此,在编辑此记录时,我正在构建如下所示的动态表达式树,以查找是否存在实际编辑的数据库记录:

Expression combinedExpression = null;

            foreach (string propertyName in keyColumnNames)
               var propertyInfo = typeof(Entity).GetProperty(propertyName);
               var value = propertyInfo.GetValue(entityWithKeyFieldsPopulated);
               var type = propertyInfo.PropertyType;

                Expression e1 = Expression.Property(pe, propertyName);
                Expression e2 = Expression.Constant(value, type);
                Expression e3 = Expression.Equal(e1, e2);

                if (combinedExpression == null)
                    combinedExpression = e3;
                    combinedExpression = Expression.AndAlso(combinedExpression, e3);

            return combinedExpression;

By doing this whenever I am editing entity "Test" and supplying "null" to property foo1 it is querying database as "select * from test where foo1 == null". 通过这样做,每当我编辑实体“Test”并向属性foo1提供“null”时,它将查询数据库为“select * from test where foo1 == null”。 How can I build expression that actually creates a where clause as "select *from test where foo1 is null" ? 我如何构建实际创建where子句的表达式为“select * from test where foo1为null”?

It might just be that the query processor is not generating an foo1 is null expression because foo1 is in a unique index. 可能只是查询处理器没有生成foo1 is null表达式,因为foo1在唯一索引中。 It won't be null so it won't generate that expression. 它不会为null,因此不会生成该表达式。

I have some tables with columns declared not nullable and where x.column == null generates where 0 = 1 in its place. 我有一些表声明不可为空的表, where x.column == null生成的where 0 = 1 It knows it will never be true. 它知道它永远不会是真的。 Perhaps the same is happening here? 也许这里也发生了同样的事情?

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