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[英]Subtract days from a date ignoring weekend days

I'm trying to do a subtract operation on some dates, on my particular case I need to subtract only business days (excluding the weekends days, ie, Sunday and Saturday)我正在尝试在某些日期进行减法运算,在我的特定情况下,我只需要减去工作日(不包括周末,即周日和周六)

my table looks like this:我的桌子看起来像这样:

date         | days_to_subtract   | dayName
23-04-2004   |   3                | Friday
23-05-2004   |   5                | Monday
21-04-2004   |   7                | Tuesday
25-04-2004   |   30               | Monday
01-04-2004   |   22               | Thursday

My goal consist on calculate a new column (new date) by subtracting days_to_sub from date taking into account only business (laboral) days and excluding (or ignoring) the weekends days.我的目标包括通过从日期中减去days_to_sub来计算一个新列(新日期),只考虑工作日(劳动)天并排除(或忽略)周末天。

I have tried something like this:我试过这样的事情:

    CASE WHEN dayName = "Monday" then date_sub(date, days_to_subtract + 2)
         WHEN dayName = "Tuesday" then date_sub(date, days_to_subtract + 1)
         ELSE date_sub(date, days_to_subtract)
    END AS newColumn

But this will not work when the number of subtract days is greater than 5.但是当减去天数大于 5 时,这将不起作用。

Any suggestion using simple SQL and no complicated functions to approach a solution to this problem?任何建议使用简单的 SQL 而没有复杂的函数来解决这个问题?

Lets start with an explanation of your situation:让我们先解释一下您的情况:

Monday) Suposse we are positioned on Monday, then the result you expect to (real) subtract when substracting N (virtual) days will be like:星期一)假设我们定位在星期一,那么在减去 N(虚拟)天时您期望(真实)减去的结果将如下所示:

"Mon" - 1 day  => "Mon" - (1 + 2 * (1)) days => "Mon" - 3 days  /* 1 weekend affecting */
"Mon" - 2 days => "Mon" - (2 + 2 * (1)) days => "Mon" - 4 days  /* 1 weekend affecting */
"Mon" - 3 days => "Mon" - (3 + 2 * (1)) days => "Mon" - 5 days  /* 1 weekend affecting */
"Mon" - 6 days => "Mon" - (6 + 2 * (2)) days => "Mon" - 10 days /* 2 weekends affecting */

Tuesday) Suposse we are positioned on Tuesday, then the result you expect to (real) subtract when substracting N (virtual) days will be like:星期二)假设我们定位在星期二,那么当减去 N(虚拟)天时,您期望(真实)减去的结果将如下所示:

"Tue" - 1 day  => "Tue" - (1 + 2 * (0)) days => "Tue" - 1 days  /* 0 weekends affecting */
"Tue" - 2 days => "Tue" - (2 + 2 * (1)) days => "Tue" - 4 days  /* 1 weekend affecting */
"Tue" - 3 days => "Tue" - (3 + 2 * (1)) days => "Tue" - 5 days  /* 1 weekend affecting */
"Tue" - 6 days => "Tue" - (6 + 2 * (1)) days => "Tue" - 8 days  /* 1 weekend affecting */
"Tue" - 7 days => "Tue" - (7 + 2 * (2)) days => "Tue" - 11 days /* 2 weekends affecting */

Wednesday) Suposse we are positioned on Wednesday, then the result you expect to (real) subtract when substracting N (virtual) days will be like:星期三)假设我们定位在星期三,那么在减去 N(虚拟)天时您期望(真实)减去的结果将如下所示:

"Wed" - 1 day  => "Wed" - (1 + 2 * (0)) days => "Wed" - 1 days  /* 0 weekends affecting */
"Wed" - 2 days => "Wed" - (2 + 2 * (0)) days => "Wed" - 2 days  /* 0 weekends affecting */
"Wed" - 3 days => "Wed" - (3 + 2 * (1)) days => "Wed" - 5 days  /* 1 weekend affecting */
"Wed" - 6 days => "Wed" - (6 + 2 * (1)) days => "Wed" - 7 days  /* 1 weekend affecting */
"Wed" - 7 days => "Wed" - (7 + 2 * (1)) days => "Wed" - 9 days  /* 1 weekend affecting */
"Wed" - 8 days => "Wed" - (8 + 2 * (2)) days => "Wed" - 12 days /* 2 weekends affecting */

As we can note, there is a mathematical calculus in the middle of this logic.正如我们所注意到的,在这个逻辑的中间有一个数学演算。 If we indexes the days of the week in this way:如果我们以这种方式索引一周中的几天:

0 <-> Monday
1 <-> Tuesday
2 <-> Wednesday
3 <-> Thursday
4 <-> Friday

Then, a formula that match the previous calculus would be:然后,与之前的微积分匹配的公式将是:

Week_Day - X days => Week_Day - X days + 2 * CEIL((X - INDEX_OF(Week_Day)) / 5) days

where INDEX_OF() is a function that returns the previous indexing for days.

Example 1)示例 1)

Suppose we need to subtract 2 days from Wednesday, then the previous formula will reduce to this:假设我们需要从星期三减去 2 天,那么之前的公式将减少为:

"Wed" - 2 days => "Wed" - 2 + 2 * CEIL((2 - 2) / 5)
"Wed" - 2 days => "Wed" - 2 + 2 * CEIL(0 / 5)
"Wed" - 2 days => "Wed" - 2 + 2 * 0
"Wed" - 2 days => "Wed" - 2 + 0
"Wed" - 2 days => "Wed" - 2 days

Example 2)例 2)

Suppose we need to subtract 8 days from Wednesday (in this case we have two weekends in the middle of the subtract) then the previous formula will reduce to this:假设我们需要从星期三减去 8 天(在这种情况下,我们在减去中间有两个周末),那么前面的公式将减少为:

"Wed" - 8 days => "Wed" - 8 + 2 * CEIL((8 - 2) / 5)
"Wed" - 8 days => "Wed" - 8 + 2 * CEIL(6 / 5)
"Wed" - 8 days => "Wed" - 8 + 2 * 2 /* Two weekends are affecting */
"Wed" - 8 days => "Wed" - 8 + 4
"Wed" - 8 days => "Wed" - 12 days

So, based on this formula and manipulating the MySQL DAYOFWEEK() method for generate our INDEX_OF() function, we can do the next query:因此,基于此公式并操作 MySQL DAYOFWEEK()方法来生成我们的INDEX_OF()函数,我们可以执行下一个查询:

    date AS OriginalDate,
    DAYOFWEEK(date) - 2 AS IndexOfDay,
    days_to_subtract AS DaysToSubtract,
    2 * CEIL((days_to_subtract - (DAYOFWEEK(date) - 2)) / 5) AS WeekendDaysToAdd,
        INTERVAL days_to_subtract + (2 * CEIL((days_to_subtract -  (DAYOFWEEK(date) - 2)) / 5)) DAY
    ) AS CalucaltedDay

The last column CalculatedDay will contain the date you expect to obtain from the subtract, the others columns are just for check the steps of the mathematical calculus.最后一列CalculatedDay将包含您希望从减法中获得的日期,其他列仅用于检查数学演算的步骤。 I hope you can understand the logic behind this, because it costme some time to figure it out and try to explain it.我希望你能理解这背后的逻辑,因为我花了一些时间来弄清楚并试图解释它。 You can see working examples on next links:您可以在下一个链接上看到工作示例:

1) DB Fiddle 1)数据库小提琴

2) SQL Fiddle 2) SQL小提琴

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