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Excel用户窗体TextBox.Value填充MS Word书签

[英]Excel Userform TextBox.Value Populate MS Word Bookmarks

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()

 Dim wApp As Object
 Dim wDoc As Object

 Set wApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
 wApp.Visible = True

 Set wDoc = wApp.Documents.Open(Filename:="C:\template1.dotm ", ReadOnly:=False)
    With wDoc.Selection
    .Bookmarks("bookmark1") = UserForm5.TextBox1.Value
    .Bookmarks("bookmark2") = UserForm5.TextBox2.Value
    End With

 Set WordDoc = Nothing
 Set WordApp = Nothing

End Sub

Hello All, 大家好,

I was hoping that someone could help me on this one. 我希望有人可以帮助我解决这一问题。 As shown on the code above, I am trying to get the userform textbox value and populate it to MS Word using bookmarks. 如上面的代码所示,我试图获取userform文本框值,并使用书签将其填充到MS Word中。

The issue is that when I click command button 3 on the userform, the MS word opens but the bookmarks is still empty ie no value 问题是,当我单击用户窗体上的命令按钮3时,MS字会打开,但书签仍为空,即没有值

I would appreciate the help as I have been trying to resolve this for hours. 感谢您的帮助,因为我已经尝试解决了数小时。 Many thanks. 非常感谢。

Regards, Kevin 问候,凯文

The bookmark commands need a Range and Text properties. 书签命令需要Range和Text属性。 Example

.Bookmarks("bookmark1").Range.Text = UserForm5.TextBox1.Value

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