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[英]Java can't access static public method

I did not find a similar question, this is the ref I noticed but did not help: Accessing public static java method from scala 我没有找到类似的问题,这是我注意到的参考,但没有帮助: 从Scala访问公共静态Java方法

I am confused as to why I can not access the cellPhone method addContact from the Start class? 我对为什么无法从Start类访问cellPhone方法addContact感到困惑? addContact is public and static. addContact是公共的和静态的。 If you look at the joseph class I wanted to see the difference between array of object vs ArrayList of objects in terms of access. 如果您看一下joseph类,我想了解在访问方面对象数组与对象ArrayList之间的区别。

I know this is perfectly organized, perhaps I should have the cellPhone class in the Joseph class? 我知道这是组织得很好的,也许我应该在Joseph课中加入cellPhone课? But that did not work either. 但这也不起作用。

My Error is in the Start class. 我的错误在Start类中。

Start class: 开始课程:

public class Start 

public static void main(String[] args) 
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    Joseph jhr = new Joseph();


    jhr.setName("Randy ");
    jhr.myCellPhone.addContact();//ERROR: he method addContact() is undefined for the type List<cellPhone>

    System.out.println("Single : "+jhr.showStatus() + " Gender: " + jhr.showGender() +" Name:"+jhr.showName());
    //System.out.println("Cell number: " +jhr.cell.showCellNumber());
    System.out.println("Middle name: " + jhr.middleName);


CellPhone class: 手机类:

public class cellPhone {
private int cellPhoneNumber;
static private List<String>  myContacts =  new ArrayList<String>(100);

public cellPhone() {
    // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
//show all numbers in cell phone
public final int showCellNumber() {
    return cellPhoneNumber;
//get all Contacts in cell Phone
public List<String> contactsList() 
    return myContacts;
//add numbers to cell phone
public void setCellPhone(int myNumber) {
    cellPhoneNumber = myNumber;
//add contacts to cell phone
static public void addContact(String contact) {


Joseph Class: 约瑟夫·班:

 public class Joseph extends human

//public static final cellPhone cell = null;
public cellPhone [] cell = new cellPhone[2];
static public List<cellPhone>  myCellPhone =  new ArrayList<cellPhone>(100);
public String middleName;
private int weight;

public Joseph() 
    middleName = "John";
    weight = 0;

    cell[0]= new cellPhone();
    cell[1]= new cellPhone();

public void setWeight(int setw) 
    weight = setw;

public int getWeight() 
    return weight;

Also, addContact() is a static method. 另外,addContact()是静态方法。 That means the method belongs to the Class instead of the instance of the class. 这意味着该方法属于该类而不是该类的实例。 In other words, all CellPhone instances will share the list static private List<String> myContacts . 换句话说,所有CellPhone实例都将共享列表static private List<String> myContacts Remove the static before the method and before the list and it will all make sense. 在方法之前和列表之前删除静态变量,这将很有意义。

I have to add a CellPhone to the list, then I have to set it. 我必须将CellPhone添加到列表中,然后进行设置。 I think Arrays are easier but obviously Arraylist are dynamic. 我认为数组比较容易,但是显然Arraylist是动态的。 For anyone with my issue here is how I solved it. 对于任何遇到我问题的人,这就是我如何解决的。

    jhr.myCellPhone.add(new cellPhone());

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