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[英]UWP - BitMapImage to Icon

I'm trying to make a UWP with Visual Studio 2017. I want to add as a NavigationViewItem the Microsoft Account Information. 我正在尝试使用Visual Studio 2017制作UWP。我想将Microsoft帐户信息添加为NavigationViewItem In order to do it I get with GraphServiceClient the DisplayName and the profile picture saved as string and BitMapImage respectively. 为了做到这一点,我使用GraphServiceClient获得了DisplayName和配置文件图片,分别保存为字符串和BitMapImage

What I would like to do is to crop circularly the BitMapImage and use it in the Icon property of the NavigationViewItem . 我想做的是循环裁剪BitMapImage并将其用于NavigationViewItemIcon属性。

What I would like to do is to crop circularly the BitMapImage and use it in the Icon property of the NavigationViewItem. 我想做的是循环裁剪BitMapImage并在NavigationViewItem的Icon属性中使用它。

You could not use BitmapImage as NavigationViewItem's Icon , It only receives IconElement . 您不能将BitmapImage用作NavigationViewItem的Icon ,它只能接收IconElement

To achieve your target, you could directly do layout in NavigationViewItem.Content to show image and text. 要实现目标,您可以直接在NavigationViewItem.Content进行布局以显示图像和文本。 For example, you could use Ellipse and ImageBrush to show image in circle shape. 例如,您可以使用EllipseImageBrush以圆形显示图像。

Here's a simple code sample: 这是一个简单的代码示例:

            <NavigationViewItem Name="SalahNavItem" Tag="Salah">
                    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" >
                        <Ellipse Width="40" Height="40">
                                <ImageBrush x:Name="img"></ImageBrush>
                        <TextBlock Text="Custom" VerticalAlignment="Center"></TextBlock>
            <NavigationViewItem Name="AppsNavItem"  Content="Apps" Tag="apps">
BitmapImage bitmapImage = new BitmapImage(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/car.png"));
img.ImageSource = bitmapImage;


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