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[英]How to call a function in a php file using jquery load?

I am trying to display the data i retrieve from the database but it is not being displayed. 我正在尝试显示从数据库中检索到的数据,但未显示。 I have a function in the file getComments.php called "getComments(page)" page is just a integer parameter to choose that database. 我在文件getComments.php中有一个名为“ getComments(page)”的函数,页面只是选择该数据库的整数参数。 and as you can see that i need to call this function to print the users comments. 如您所见,我需要调用此函数来打印用户评论。 I am trying to use "load" but it is not being successful i just want to call this function to load the comments on the page. 我正在尝试使用“加载”,但未成功,我只想调用此函数以加载页面上的评论。 thank you in advance. 先感谢您。


use TastyRecipes\Controller\SessionManager;
use TastyRecipes\Util\Util;

require_once '../../classes/TastyRecipes/Util/Util.php';

function getComments($page){
   echo "<br><br>";
   $controller = SessionManager::getController();

and in my web page where i want to display it using java script, i tried the following 在我想使用Java脚本显示的网页中,我尝试了以下操作

<div class="page" id="comments">
  <p class="style">Comments</p>
  <button class="btn" id="load-comments">See Previous Comments</button><br> 

       echo "  <input type='hidden' id='uid' value = '".$_SESSION['u_uid']."'>
          <input type='hidden' id='date' value = '".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."'>
          <textarea id='message'></textarea><br>
          <button class = 'btn' type = 'submit' id = 'submitCom'>Comment</button>";
      echo "<p>Please log in to comment</p>";
     document.getElementById('#comments').innerHTML = 
    $("#comments").load("../extras/getComments.php", getComments(1));

Just change your click handler to this: 只需将您的click处理程序更改为:

    $("#comments").load("../extras/getComments.php", { page: 1 }); //i also added where the elements are loaded

and in getComments.php (if practical, otherwise you might need to create a new PHP file which calls the getComments() function and call that from the click handler instead) add something like: 并在getComments.php (如果可行,否则,您可能需要创建一个新的PHP文件,该文件调用getComments()函数,然后从点击处理程序中调用它),添加以下内容:

if (isset($_POST['page'])) {
    // do any other necessary stuff

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