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在 Python 3 中逐行对 .txt 文件的内容进行排序

[英]Sorting content of a .txt file in Python 3 line by line

I want to sort content of a .txt file that is read into Python from its highest to lowest numeric value.我想对读入 Python 的 .txt 文件的内容进行排序,从其最高到最低的数值。


Using the following code:使用以下代码:

with open("externalFile.txt", "r") as file:
    content = file.read()

list = content.splitlines()

def f(text):
    return int(text) if text.isdigit() else text

def f1(text):
    return [ func(z) for z in re.split('(\d+)', text) ]


creates a list and within that list it sorts the content both alphabetically and numerically, as shown below.创建一个列表,并在该列表中按字母和数字对内容进行排序,如下所示。


However, I only want the content to be sorted numerically in Python, please see below.但是,我只希望在 Python 中按数字对内容进行排序,请参见下文。


How about this:这个怎么样:

def f1(text):
    name, _, num = text.partition(':')
    return int(num)

with open("sorting.txt", "r") as file:
    l = file.read().splitlines()
    l.sort(key=f1, reverse=True)

If you only want to sort numerically, you can use list comprehension,如果只想按数字排序,可以使用列表理解,

with open("d:/data.txt") as file:
    read_as_lit = [line.strip().split(":") for line in file]
    sorted_file = sorted(read_as_lit, key=lambda y:int(y[1]), reverse=True)


[['alpha', ' 50'], ['gamma', ' 45'], ['beta', ' 30'], ['alpha', ' 20'], ['gamma', ' 10'], ['alpha', ' 10']]

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