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[英]Product didn't diplay on ecommerce website

i created the e-commerce website. 我创建了电子商务网站。 category and brands both are displayed successfully. 类别和品牌都成功显示。 my problem is if I click the category. 我的问题是,如果我单击类别。 the product should display based on the category what I clicked. 产品应根据我点击的类别显示。 Example: if I click Tv as a category all tv product should display.like that 例如:如果我单击电视作为类别,则所有电视产品都应显示。
what i tried so far. 到目前为止我尝试过的。 i attached the code below.when i running the programming and click the category i got the error as "Uncaught ReferenceError: cid is not defined" 我附上了下面的代码。运行程序并单击类别时,出现错误,提示为“ Uncaught ReferenceError:未定义cid”

This code I wrote for display category but all category displayed successfully. 我为显示类别编写的代码,但所有类别均已成功显示。

 $('#categories').append('<a href="#" cid= '+ id + '  class="list-group-item list-group-item-action">' + '<b>'+ data[i].catname + '<b>' + '</a>');

Full code for category 类别的完整代码

Category 类别

  function getCategory(){
                type: 'GET',
                url: 'get_category.php' ,
                dataType: 'JSON',
                success: function (data)
                    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
                        var catname = data[i].catname;
                        var id = data[i].id;

 $('#categories').append('<a href="#" cid= '+ id + '  class="list-group-item list-group-item-action">' + '<b>'+ data[i].catname + '<b>' + '</a>');
                error: function (xhr, status, error)



when i click the category the relevant product should be displayed I wrote the code below 当我单击类别时,应该显示相关产品,我在下面编写了代码

$("#categories").click(function ()
    type: 'post',
    url: 'get_product.php' ,
    data: {cid:cid},
    dataType: 'JSON',
    success: function (data) {

        for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
            var price = data[i].price;
            var image = data[i].image;
            var description = data[i].description;

            $("#Products").append("<div class='col-md-4'> " +
            "<div class='panel panel-info' id='Products'>" +
            "<div class='card-body'>" +
            "<div class='panel-heading'>"  +  "<h4> "  +  description + "</h4> " +
            "<p class='panel-body'>"+  "<h3> "  +  price + "</h3>" +
            "<p class='panel-body'> <img class='card-img-top' style='width:250px' height='250px' id='theImg' src='images/"  + image  + "' /> </p>" +
            " <a href='#' class='btn btn-primary'>View More</a> </div> </div></div> </div>");
    error: function (xhr, status, error) {

get_product.php page get_product.php页面

$stmt = $conn->prepare("select id,cat_id,brand_id,price,description,image,keywords from products where id = ? order by RAND() LIMIT 0,6");

$cid = $_POST["cid"];
$stmt->bind_param("s", $cid);

if ($stmt->execute()) {
    while ( $stmt->fetch() ) {
        $output[] = array ("id"=>$id, "cat_id"=>$cat_id,"brand_id"=>$brand_id,"price"=>$price,"description"=>$description,"image"=>$image,"keywords"=>$keywords);
    echo json_encode($output);

I think this gives you error, you need to get clicked category id 我认为这会给您带来错误,您需要获取点击的类别ID

var cid = $(this).attr('cid'); // Use this and try
 data: {cid:cid},

You are calling click event on categories; 您正在click类别调用click事件; you should call click event on a tag; 你应该调用click事件a标签;

Replace you click event; 替换您的点击事件;

$("#categories").click(function ()
// You code here

with this code; 用这个代码;

$("a.list-group-item").click(function ()
var cid = $(this).attr('cid');
// You code here

Hope this will be useful for you! 希望这对您有用!

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