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[英]Having hubot respond when a message does not match

I am programming a slack interface for hubot in javascript, and I want to have a default message when an invalid command is input. 我正在用javascript编程供Hubot使用的松弛接口,当输入无效命令时,我希望显示默认消息。 I currently have this in my code: 我目前在我的代码中有这个:

robot.respond(!(/command1/, /command2/, /command3/, etc.) function (msg) {
   msg.reply('Returned message')

While this does respond to all invalid messages, it also sends my response whenever I put in any valid command as well. 尽管这确实响应了所有无效消息,但每当我输入任何有效命令时,它也会发送我的响应。 Is there a way to fix this? 有没有办法解决这个问题?

I found there is an easier way to do what I want. 我发现有一种更轻松的方式来做我想做的事。 Use the hubot support package at the following sire, which gives you a robot. 使用以下父亲的Hubot支持包,它将为您提供机器人。 reply all 全部回复

https://www.npmjs.com/package/hubot-suggest https://www.npmjs.com/package/hubot-suggest

I then wrote the following code: 然后,我编写了以下代码:

module.exports = function (robot) {
const text = dedent`
Command does not exist
Did you want one of the following commands?
'handel-codepipeline help'
'handel-codepipeline [deploy|delete]'
'canvas-update <sis_section_id> <curriculum_id> <title_code>'
'new repo' - creates a new githib repository
For more commands, type 'help'
robot.catchAll((msg) => {

} }

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