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[英]Adding multiple relations in eager loading

My application: In my application users have the possibility to predict the scores of upcoming soccer games. 我的应用程序:在我的应用程序中,用户可以预测即将到来的足球比赛的得分。 So basically there is a relationship between the user and predictions , but there is also a relationship between the prediction and my Match model . 因此,基本上, userpredictions之间存在关系,但是prediction与我的Match model之间也存在关系。 Currently I add the homeTeamName & awayTeamName in my prediction table but this is not really necessary since I store my match_id in my predictions table. 当前,我在预测表中添加了homeTeamNameawayTeamName ,但这并不是必需的,因为我将match_id存储在预测表中。 I want to load my team names from my match table based on the match_id from my prediction table instead of adding the names in the predictions table. 我想根据我的预测表中的match_id从我的match table加载球队名称,而不是在预测表中添加球队名称。

Here is a look at my relations: 看一下我的关系:

Match model 匹配模型

class Match extends Model
    public function Predictions() {

        return $this->hasMany('App\Prediction'); // one match has many predictions

Prediction model 预测模型

class Prediction extends Model
   public function User() {

       return $this->belongsTo('App\User'); // prediction belongs to a user

   public function Match() {

       return $this->belongsTo('App\Match', 'match_id', 'match_id'); // prediction belongs to a match

User model 用户模型

class User extends Authenticatable
    public function Predictions() {

        return $this->hasMany('App\Prediction'); // a user has many predictions


Using lazy eager loading for this query 对这个查询使用延迟加载

public function showPredictions() {
    $user = Auth::user();

    $user->load('predictions', 'predictions.match'); 


    return view('predictions', compact('user'));

output 输出

array:3 [▼
  0 => array:3 [▼
    "query" => "select * from `users` where `id` = ? limit 1"
    "bindings" => array:1 [▼
      0 => 1
    "time" => 13.0
  1 => array:3 [▼
    "query" => "select * from `predictions` where `predictions`.`user_id` in (?)"
    "bindings" => array:1 [▼
      0 => 1
    "time" => 1.0
  2 => array:3 [▼
    "query" => "select * from `matches` where `matches`.`id` in (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
    "bindings" => array:10 [▼
      0 => 233133
      1 => 233134
      2 => 233135
      3 => 233136
      4 => 233137
      5 => 233138
      6 => 233139
      7 => 233140
      8 => 233141
      9 => 233142
    "time" => 1.0


$user->load('predictions', 'predictions.match')->where('status', 'SCHEDULED'); 

Try this 尝试这个

   'predictions.match' => function ($query) {
        $query->where('status', 'SCHEDULED');

Or if you have status column in both tables: 或者,如果两个表中都有“ status列:

   'predictions.match' => function ($query) {
        $query->where('predictions.status', 'SCHEDULED');

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