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[英]Ruby 'to_json' throws ArgumentError: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8

In rails console, I get: 在Rails控制台中,我得到:

hash = {"name"=>"სსიპ ოთარ ჩხეიძის სახელობის სოფელ ყე\xE1\x83"}
#=> {"name"=>"სსიპ ოთარ ჩხეიძის სახელობის სოფელ ყე\xE1\x83"}
#>> ArgumentError: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8
from /home/edmodo/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0@one-eye/gems/activesupport-json_encoder-1.1.0/lib/active_support/json/encoding/active_support_encoder.rb:79:in `gsub'

"\\xE1\\x83".to_json 's not working may be due to non UTF-8 characters. "\\xE1\\x83".to_json无效,可能是由于非UTF-8字符所致。

Any help is appreciated. 任何帮助表示赞赏。

If hash is converted to a string, then it works, but it adds garbage characters like u003E with lots of extra backslashes. 如果将hash转换为字符串,则可以使用它,但是会添加诸如u003E类的垃圾字符, u003E带有许多额外的反斜杠。

#=> "\"{\\\"name\\\"=\\u003E\\\"სსიპ ოთარ ჩხეიძის სახელობის სოფელ ყე\\\\xE1\\\\x83\\\"}\""

That is because your input String contains invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 , as the error message precisely tells. 这是因为您的输入String 在UTF-8中包含无效的字节序列 ,正如错误消息确切说明的那样。 You can check it like 你可以像检查

hash['name'].valid_encoding?  # => false

Fundamentally, you should fix the input string, removing all the invalid byte sequence characters; 从根本上讲,您应该修复输入字符串,删除所有无效的字节序列字符; in your example, it is "\\xE1\\x83" 在您的示例中,它是"\\xE1\\x83"

If for some reason you need to preserve the byte sequence and encode it to a standard JSON, I think you must encode the string first, because JSON does not accept a binary data but valid UTF-8 strings only. 如果出于某种原因需要保留字节序列并将其编码为标准JSON,我认为您必须首先对字符串进行编码,因为JSON不接受二进制数据,而仅接受有效的UTF-8字符串。 Note a string with an invalid byte sequence is a binary data, as far as JSON is concerned. 请注意,就JSON而言,具有无效字节序列的字符串是二进制数据。

In Rails, you can use Base64 encoding as follows: 在Rails中,可以使用Base64编码,如下所示:

hash['name'] = Base64.encode64 hash['name']
hash.to_json  # => a valid JSON

In decoding, you must specify the encoding, such as, 在解码时,您必须指定编码,例如,

hj = hash.to_json
Base64.decode64(JSON.parse(hj)['name']).force_encoding('UTF-8') # => Decoded string

Note the reproduced string is NOT a valid UTF-8 in your case anyway. 请注意,无论如何,您所复制的字符串都不是有效的UTF-8。 But it would help to display in Rails console. 但这将有助于在Rails控制台中显示。

If you are not afraid of losing content, may use this solution: 如果您不怕丢失内容,可以使用以下解决方案:

{"name"=>"სსიპ ოთარ ჩხეიძის სახელობის სოფელ ყე\xE1\x83".force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT").encode('UTF-8', undef: :replace, replace: '')}.to_json

=> "{\"name\":\"     \"}"
require 'json'

def cleanup(string)
  text = ''
  string.each_char { |char| text << char if char.valid_encoding? }

hash = { "name" => "სსიპ ოთარ ჩხეიძის სახელობის სოფელ ყე\xE1\x83" }
hash.transform_values! { |value| cleanup(value) }

puts hash.to_json

{"name":"სსიპ ოთარ ჩხეიძის სახელობის სოფელ ყე"}

Thank you Stefan, Masa Sakano and Alexey Strizhak. 谢谢Stefan,Masa Sakano和Alexey Strizhak。 Your suggestions helped me a lot. 您的建议对我有很大帮助。 This is correct that the string has invalid byte sequence characters. 字符串具有无效的字节序列字符是正确的。 What I did is just to keep valid encoding characters as below - 我所做的只是保持如下所示的有效编码字符-

"სსიპ ოთარ ჩხეიძის სახელობის სოფელ ყე\xE1\x83".chars.select(&:valid_encoding?).join
=> "სსიპ ოთარ ჩხეიძის სახელობის სოფელ ყე"

This will remove the incomplete/invalid characters like "\\xE1\\x83". 这将删除不完整/无效的字符,例如“ \\ xE1 \\ x83”。

Again thanks a lot everyone for helping me out to understand the problem and suggesting solutions. 再次非常感谢大家帮助我了解问题并提出解决方案。

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