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[英]How to get value of input attribute and background color of nearby div element?

I have some div with id = "ctl00_ContentPlace_dvColorsArea" inside that div I have inputs of type text. 我在该div中有一些id = "ctl00_ContentPlace_dvColorsArea" div,我有文本类型的输入。

Under every input I have div element that contains another child div. 在每个输入下,我都有一个div元素,其中包含另一个子div。

Here is example: 这是示例:

<div id="ctl00_ContentPlace_dvColorsArea">

    <input name="ctl00$ContentPlace$ctl00" type="text" legendlabel="Zone:  AGR" style="display: none;">
    <div class="sp-replacer sp-light sp-active">
            <div class="sp-preview">
                <div class="sp-preview-inner" style="background-color: rgb(235, 217, 190,0.12);"></div>

    <input name="ctl00$ContentPlace$ctl00" type="text" legendlabel="Zone:  ZGY" style="display: none;">
    <div class="sp-replacer sp-light sp-active">
            <div class="sp-preview">
                <div class="sp-preview-inner" style="background-color: rgb(85, 45, 50);"></div>


At some point I need to get from every input attribute with name legendlabel his value and background-color of the child div under the input element. 在某个时候,我需要从每个带有Legendleglabel名称的输入属性中获取其值和输入元素下子div的背景颜色。

For example according to HTML above : 例如,根据上面的HTML:

    legendlabel:"Zone:  AGR"
    backgroundColor:rgb(235, 217, 190,0.12)
    legendlabel="Zone:  ZGY"
    backgroundColor:rgb(85, 45, 50)

I know that using this row $("#ctl00_ContentPlace_dvColorsArea :input").attr(legendlabel); 我知道使用此行$("#ctl00_ContentPlace_dvColorsArea :input").attr(legendlabel); I can get attribute value of every input. 我可以获得每个输入的属性值。 But I need to get also a childs div background color. 但是我还需要获取childs div背景颜色。

Any idea how can I get from every input attribute with name legendlabel his value and background-color of the child div under the input element? 知道如何从每个带有legendlabel标签的输入属性中获取其值和输入元素下子div的背景颜色吗?

you can use this code 您可以使用此代码

$('#ctl00_ContentPlace_dvColorsArea :input').each(function (index, value) { 
 var label =  $(value).attr("legendlabel");
 var color = $(value).next().find(".sp-preview-inner").css("background-color");

check this 检查这个

 var ele = document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlace_dvColorsArea').getElementsByTagName("input"); var output = [...ele].map((val, i)=> { return { legendlabel: val.getAttribute("legendlabel"), backgroundColor: $(val).next().find('.sp-preview-inner').css('background-color') } }); console.log(output); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div id="ctl00_ContentPlace_dvColorsArea"> <input name="ctl00$ContentPlace$ctl00" type="text" legendlabel="Zone: AGR" style="display: none;"> <div class="sp-replacer sp-light sp-active"> <div class="sp-preview"> <div class="sp-preview-inner" style="background-color: rgb(235, 217, 190,0.12);"></div> </div> </div> <input name="ctl00$ContentPlace$ctl00" type="text" legendlabel="Zone: ZGY" style="display: none;"> <div class="sp-replacer sp-light sp-active"> <div class="sp-preview"> <div class="sp-preview-inner" style="background-color: rgb(85, 45, 50);"></div> </div> </div> </div> 

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