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带有Python的Google Cloud Dataflow

[英]Google Cloud Dataflow with Python

Trying to implement an easier form of this example I have and error while insert data to BigQuery 在将数据插入BigQuery时,尝试实现示例的简单形式时出现错误

This is the code 这是代码

from __future__ import absolute_import
import argparse
import logging
import re
import apache_beam as beam
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import PipelineOptions

class DataIngestion:
    def parse_method(self, string_input):
        values = re.split(",",re.sub('\r\n', '', re.sub(u'"', '', string_input)))
        row = dict(zip('Mensaje',values))
        return row

def run(argv=None):
    """The main function which creates the pipeline and runs it."""
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        '--input', dest='input', required=False,
        help='Input file to read.  This can be a local file or '
             'a file in a Google Storage Bucket.',

    parser.add_argument('--output', dest='output', required=False,
                        help='Output BQ table to write results to.',

    known_args, pipeline_args = parser.parse_known_args(argv)

    data_ingestion = DataIngestion()

    p = beam.Pipeline(options=PipelineOptions(pipeline_args))

     | 'Read from a File' >> beam.io.ReadFromText(known_args.input,

     | 'String To BigQuery Row' >> beam.Map(lambda s:
     | 'Write to BigQuery' >> beam.io.Write(

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #  logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO)

And this is the error: 这是错误:

RuntimeError: Could not successfully insert rows to BigQuery table [XXX]. Errors: [<InsertErrorsValueListEntry
 errors: [<ErrorProto
 debugInfo: u''
 location: u'm'
 message: u'no such field.'
 reason: u'invalid'>]
 index: 0>, <InsertErrorsValueListEntry
 errors: [<ErrorProto
 debugInfo: u''
 location: u'm'
 message: u'no such field.'
 reason: u'invalid'>]
 index: 1>]

I'm new with python and maybe the solutions is quite simple, but how I could do it? 我是python的新手,也许解决方法很简单,但是我该怎么做呢?

It would be possible to pass a single string in String To BigQuery Row instead of 可以将String中的单个字符串传递给BigQuery Row而不是

'String To BigQuery Row' >> beam.Map(lambda s:

This would be the easier way to start better than using csv files and have to translate the file 与使用csv文件相比,这是一种比使用csv文件更好地启动的更简单方法。

I understand you have an input CSV file with a single column, of the form: 我了解您有一个输入CSV文件,该文件的单列格式为:

This is a message
This is another message
I am writing to BQ

If my understanding was correct, you do not need to have the parse_method() method, because as explained in the sample you shared , this is just a helper method that maps the CSV values to dictionaries (which are accepted by beam.io.BigQuerySink ). 如果我的理解是正确的,则无需使用parse_method()方法,因为正如您共享的样本所述 ,这只是一个将CSV值映射到字典的辅助方法( beam.io.BigQuerySink接受了beam.io.BigQuerySink )。

Then, you can simply do something like: 然后,您可以简单地执行以下操作:

p = beam.Pipeline(options=PipelineOptions(pipeline_args))

 | 'Read from a File' >> beam.io.ReadFromText(known_args.input, skip_header_lines=1)
 | 'String To BigQuery Row' >> beam.Map(lambda s: dict(Message = s))
 | 'Write to BigQuery' >> beam.io.Write(
    beam.io.BigQuerySink(known_args.output, schema='Message:STRING')))


Note that the only relevant difference is that the " String to BigQuery Row " mapping does not need a complex method anymore, and all it does is create a Python dictionary like {Message: "This is a message"} , where Message is the name of the column in your BQ table. 请注意,唯一相关的区别是“ 字符串到BigQuery行 ”的映射不再需要复杂的方法,它要做的只是创建一个Python字典,例如{Message: "This is a message"} ,其中Message是名称BQ表中该列的位置。 In this mapping, s is each of the String elements read in the beam.io.ReadFromText transform, and we apply a lambda function . 在此映射中, sbeam.io.ReadFromText转换中读取的每个String元素,并且我们应用了lambda函数

To solve using a CSV file with only one value per row I have to use this: 要解决使用每行只有一个值的CSV文件的问题,我必须使用以下命令:

    values = re.split(",",re.sub('\r\n', '', re.sub(u'"', '', string_input)))
    row = dict(zip(('Name',),values))

I dont know why I have to put the "," after the 'Name' but if I don't do it, the dict(zip(... doesnt work properly 我不知道为什么必须在“名称”后面加上“,”,但如果我不这样做,则dict(zip(...无法正常工作

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