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[英]Scanf skipping character in c

int main(){
    int firstNumber, secondNumber, thirdNumber;
    char oper;

    scanf("%d", &firstNumber);
    printf("%d\n", firstNumber);

    scanf("%c", &oper);
    printf("%c\n", oper);

    scanf("%d", &secondNumber);
    printf("%d\n", secondNumber);

    return 0;

Why this code doesn't work as expected, It reads the first and the second number but it doesn't read the character in between.为什么这段代码不能按预期工作,它读取第一个和第二个数字,但不读取它们之间的字符。

Using scanf() is hard.使用scanf()很难。 Here, there is a newline character left on stdin from you hitting enter after the first number.在这里,在第一个数字后按回车键在stdin留下了一个换行符。 So, that's the character you read.所以,这就是你读到的角色。 Some format conversions ignore whitespace, but %c does not.某些格式转换会忽略空格,但%c不会。

To make it ignore leading whitespace, you should instead use要使其忽略前导空格,您应该改用

scanf(" %c", &oper);

The space in the format string tells scanf() to ignore any whitespaces it finds, so you will read a non-whitespace character.格式字符串中的空格告诉scanf()忽略它找到的任何空格,因此您将读取一个非空格字符。

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