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[英]"Class 'Nexmo\\Laravel\\Facades\\Nexmo' not found" Error

I am trying to send an sms once a user signs up but it keep getting:我试图在用户注册后发送短信,但它不断收到:

"Class 'Nexmo\\Laravel\\Facades\\Nexmo' not found"

I have this at the top of my controller file:我在我的控制器文件的顶部有这个:

use Nexmo\Laravel\Facades\Nexmo;

I also have this in my config/app.php file我的config/app.php文件中也有这个

'Nexmo' => Nexmo\Laravel\Facades\Nexmo::class,

Im still getting an error, does anyone or has the same problem.我仍然遇到错误,有没有人或有同样的问题。 I know its a class type error but why if I have added the right class and im using it appropriately.我知道这是一个类类型错误,但如果我添加了正确的类并正确使用它,为什么会这样。

Also, here is my code implementation:另外,这是我的代码实现:

    'to' => '1122334455', //not actually using this number
    'from' => 'Test',
    'text' => 'Hey, test this digit code',
    'text' => $request->user()->activation_token

Update 1: I have done php artisan vendor:publish and published the nexmo config file but it sill gives the error above.更新 1:我已经完成了php artisan vendor:publish并发布了 nexmo 配置文件,但它仍然会出现上述错误。

Add Nexmo\\Laravel\\NexmoServiceProvider to the providers array in your config/app.php: 将Nexmo \\ Laravel \\ NexmoServiceProvider添加到config / app.php中的providers数组中:

   'providers' => [
    // Other service providers...


Thanks guys for answers/suggestions 谢谢大家的回答/建议

Some reason it is working now? 现在可以正常工作的某些原因? I did all the suggestions/answers and it did not work, did some other stuff (not working on this) and it suddenly works? 我完成了所有建议/答案,但没有用,是否有其他内容(在此方面无用),却突然起作用了?

Thanks guys :) 多谢你们 :)

If I found out what I did to make it work I will update this answer. 如果我发现要使它起作用,我会更新此答案。

Found the answer: Found out when I run php artisan vendor:publish it gives a list to publish or something and i'm guessing I did not do the one that specifically publishes Nexmo. 找到了答案:当我运行php artisan vendor:publish时发现了它,它给出了要发布的列表或其他内容,我想我没有做专门发布Nexmo的列表。 Still should've worked though because I did the one that will publish everything. 不过仍然应该工作,因为我做了将发布所有内容的工作。 Anyways that published the Nexmo file in config folder. 无论如何,在config文件夹中发布了Nexmo文件。 Somehow that is what made everything else work, that and probably a combination of answer/suggestions 不知何故,这使其他所有内容都起作用,并且可能是答案/建议的组合

Anyways thanks guys for your help!! 无论如何,谢谢你们的帮助!

First of all, the Nexmo documentation did not mention about to use with Laravel but there are as a additional package you need to use if you used with Laravel .首先, Nexmo文档没有提到与Laravel一起使用,但如果与Laravel一起使用,则需要使用一个额外的包。

There are are a simple solution.You need to install a additional package that already provide by Nextmo to use with Laravel .Just install below one.I hope this will help u.有一个简单的解决方案。您需要安装 Nextmo 已经提供的附加软件包才能与Laravel一起使用。只需安装下面一个。我希望这对您有所帮助。

composer require nexmo/laravel

try it尝试一下

            $nexmo = app('Nexmo\Client');

                    'to' => 'yournumber',
                    'from' => 'yournumber',
                    'text' => "message"

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