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无法在Weblogic Server中创建域

[英]unable to create domain in Weblogic Server

D:\\NewWeblogicServer\\oracle_common\\common\\bin>config.cmd d:\\ NewWeblogicServer \\ oracle_common \\ COMMON \\斌> config.cmd

The system cannot find the file D:\\NewWeblogicServer\\oui\\bin...globalEnv.properties. 系统找不到文件D:\\ NewWeblogicServer \\ oui \\ bin ... globalEnv.properties。

ERROR: Unable to locate property "JAVA_HOME" in properties file D:\\NewWeblogicServer\\oui\\bin...globalEnv.properties 错误:无法在属性文件D:\\ NewWeblogicServer \\ oui \\ bin ... globalEnv.properties中找到属性“ JAVA_HOME”

Not an answer, but I was facing the same problem, in my machine there are numerous Weblogic 12c installations and end up picking the wrong one. 没有答案,但是我遇到了同样的问题,因为我的计算机中安装了许多Weblogic 12c,最终选择了错误的设备。 In this case, the file '.globalEnv.properties' existed in the directory '[WEBLOGIC_HOME]\\oui', but when attempting to read it, Windows prompted the error: "Can not open file [WEBLOGIC_HOME]\\oui.globalEnv.properties". 在这种情况下,文件“ .globalEnv.properties”存在于目录“ [WEBLOGIC_HOME] \\ oui”中,但是在尝试读取文件时,Windows提示错误:“无法打开文件[WEBLOGIC_HOME] \\ oui.globalEnv.properties。 ”。 I am assuming that this installation was done for another user, and attempting to assign permissions for my user, IT end up half way through, because in close inspection the whole directory was missing some files and folders, so it was no use to me. 我假设此安装是为另一个用户完成的,并且尝试为我的用户分配权限,因此IT最终会中途结束,因为在仔细检查中整个目录缺少一些文件和文件夹,因此对我来说毫无用处。

Once I end up in the right Weblogic, I verified that the file '.globalEnv.properties' existed and can be opened, containing the JAVA_HOME property with correct value, and was able to create the domain without any issue. 一旦找到正确的Weblogic,我便验证了文件'.globalEnv.properties'存在并可以打开,其中包含具有正确值的JAVA_HOME属性,并且能够创建域而没有任何问题。

So, in my experience, this error is due to some corrupt installation/use, or the installation was done for another user, and you must restore permissions to the new user. 因此,以我的经验,此错误是由于某些损坏的安装/使用引起的,或者安装是针对另一个用户完成的,因此您必须为新用户还原权限。

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