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[英]Powershell deleting more files than it should, bug?

I'm using the following snippet of code in a powershell script to clean up files that we no longer need, however this appears to delete everything (thank God for backups...) and not just those modified older than $limit, can anyone explain this behavior? 我在Powershell脚本中使用以下代码片段来清理我们不再需要的文件,但是这似乎删除了所有内容(感谢上帝的备份...),而不仅仅是那些早于$ limit的文件,任何人都可以解释这种行为?

param (
    [int]$daystokeep = 548 # default to 18 months 

$limit = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1 * $daystokeep) # 18 months

Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Recurse -Force | Where-Object { !$_.PSIsContainer -and $_.ModifyTime -lt $limit } | Remove-Item -Force

FileInfo objects have no ModifyTime property, so your comparison basically evaluates to: FileInfo对象没有ModifyTime属性,因此您的比较结果基本上是:

$null -lt $limit

which is always $true . 这始终是$true

Change the property name to LastWriteTime : 将属性名称更改为LastWriteTime

$_.LastWriteTime -lt $limit

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