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[英]Laravel: skip via database notification

I am trying to send the explicit via Email only using the notification class where it is configured for both ['mail', 'database']我正在尝试仅使用为['mail', 'database']配置的通知类通过Email发送显式

Notification::route('mail', $shopadmin->email)->notify(new ShopadminCreated($model));

But it still goes into toArray() method and generates error.但它仍然进入toArray()方法并产生错误。

The reason is, I am using the same class to renotify using email but this time no database entry need to be created.原因是,我使用相同的类来使用电子邮件重新通知,但这次不需要创建数据库条目。


After stumbling upon the Documentation on Notification.在偶然发现通知文档之后。 I tried this block of code and implement with below modification:我尝试了这段代码并通过以下修改实现:

ShopadminCreated.php: ShopadminCreated.php:

public function via($notifiable)
    return $notifiable->prefers_email ? ['mail'] : ['mail', 'database']; 
    //return ['mail', 'database'];


$data = $notification->data; // Array fetched from database
$model = Admin::hydrate([$data])[0];
$model->setAttribute('prefers_email', true);

Notification::send($shopadmin, new ShopadminCreated($model));

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