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如何在Kendo TreeList的onDrag方法中从e.target获取数据项(使用Javascript)?

[英]How to get the dataitem from e.target in the onDrag method of a Kendo TreeList (in Javascript)?

I have an onDrag method bound to the drag-event of a treeList. 我有一个onDrag方法绑定到onDrag的拖动事件。 In this method, I need to get the dataitem in the tr the user drags over. 在这种方法中,我需要在用户拖动的tr中获取数据项。 But e.target only gets the td element. 但是e.target只得到td元素。

exportObject.onDrag = function (e) {

    console.log(e.target); //output is td element
    //console.log(e.target.parentElement); //undefined
    console.log(this); //same as e.target
    //if(e.target.?ROW.DATAITEM?.SomeProp != "something") e.setStatus("k-i-cancel");

This feels like cheating, but if people searches and lands here, I make an answer here as well: To get a hold of dataItem in drag event I use a ugly piece of code: 这感觉像是在作弊,但是如果人们在这里搜索并着陆,我也会在此处做出答案:要在拖动事件中保留dataItem,我会使用一段丑陋的代码:


But as long as it's working! 但是只要它能正常工作!

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