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[英]elastic search query to compare two date fields while fetching

I have 2 date fields updated_date and creation date . 我有2个日期字段updated_datecreation date I'm trying to build a query using boolquery or searchbuilder where I need all records where updation_date is greater than creation date 我正在尝试使用boolquery或searchbuilder建立查询,其中需要updation_date大于创建日期的所有记录

tried with range query but it didn't work 尝试了范围查询,但没有用

Use script filter, Use isAfter() for greater than in painless script. 使用脚本过滤器,使用isAfter()的效果要比无痛苦的脚本更大。

 "query": {
    "bool": {
      "filter": {
        "script": {
          "script": "doc['update_date'].date.isAfter(doc['created_date'].date)"

Not sure if you are aware about head plugin https://github.com/mobz/elasticsearch-head 不知道您是否知道头部插件https://github.com/mobz/elasticsearch-head

Use the structured query tab to create the query. 使用结构化查询选项卡创建查询。 Select the check box 'Show query source' to see the generated query script. 选中“显示查询源”复选框以查看生成的查询脚本。

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