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[英](React) How to update input field based on dynamically typed other fields’ calculation results

So I have this problem, banging my head to the wall for the last several days, where I have a simple form, there might be more than one divs with four inputs but they are all related to each other. 因此,我遇到了这个问题,在过去的几天里,我一直很努力地工作,这里有一个简单的表格,可能有多个输入多个div的div,但它们彼此相关。 What I'm trying to do is to calculate the last input's in a div value which is based on the rest of the inputs' value and are typed dynamically and then to setState() to return a new state. 我想做的是计算div值中的最后一个输入,该值基于其余输入的值并被动态键入,然后输入setState()以返回新状态。 I have handler functions (to add, remove or change value of input fields) which work when I don't need to handle this particular update. 我有处理程序功能(用于添加,删除或更改输入字段的值),该功能在我不需要处理此特定更新时可以工作。 Now here's the code: 现在这里是代码:

class App extends React.Component {

  state = {
      bank: 10,
      totalPrice: 0,
      hands: [
              name: "hand1",
              backPrice: 0,
              bankPrice: 0,
              commision: 0,
              realPrice: 0
      handCount: 1

  componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
    const hands = this.state.hands;

    // initialized variables needed to calculate a result
    const totalPrice = hands.reduce((total, hand) => {
        return (hand.backPrice || 1) * total;
        }, 1);

    // lastHandPrice is ALWAYS needed, it is the base of the rest of calculations
    const lastHandPrice = (this.state.bank * totalPrice) /
        (hands[hands.length - 1].bankPrice -
        (hands[hands.length - 1].commision / 100));

    const newHands = hands.reduceRight(
        // calculation starts in reverse, with the first value being lastHandPrice
        // it returns an array of number values reversed again to be in correct order
        (newHands, hand, ind, array) => {
            let prevHand = array[ind + 1];
            let prevPrice = newHands[array.length - ind - 2];
            if (hand == array[array.length - 1]) {
                return newHands.concat(lastHandPrice)
            } else {
                return newHands.concat(
                    prevPrice * (1 - (prevHand.commision / 100)) /
                    (hand.bankPrice - (hand.commision / 100))
        }, []

    if (this.state.hands !== prevState.hands)
            totalPrice: totalPrice,
            hands: this.state.hands.map((hand, index) => {
                return Object.assign(hand, {realPrice: newHands[index]})

There are four main input fields in a div, represented in state.hands . div中有四个主要输入字段,以state.hands表示。 So this code works just perfect in my terminal but react throws me a Maximum update depth exceeded error when I try the following: 因此,此代码在我的终端中工作得非常完美,但是当我尝试以下操作时,反应会引发我Maximum update depth exceeded错误:

  • Add a new hand to the array 向数组添加新手

  • Try to enter anything in the input 尝试在输入中输入任何内容

There's nothing more I can really do about it. 我真的无能为力了。 I tried a few other methods to achieve this, but I always get the same error. 我尝试了其他几种方法来实现此目的,但始终会遇到相同的错误。 It seems like some kind of loop starts to work but I just can't figure it out. 似乎某种循环开始起作用,但我无法弄清楚。 Why it won't let me to update state.hands ? 为什么不让我更新state.hands

Input change/add/or remove handlers are very predictable, just updating the needed value, adding a div of four input fields, and removing the selected div. 输入更改/添加/或删除处理程序非常可预测,只需更新所需的值,添加四个输入字段的div,然后删除所选的div。 To change the value I map() over the state.hands and then Object.assign() the property value I need to the object I need (hand1, hand2, etc). 要在state.hands更改map() ,然后在Object.assign()更改所需的属性值,以更改所需的对象(hand1,hand2等)。

EDIT (the rest of the code): 编辑(其余代码):

handleInputChange = (event) => {
    const handName = event.currentTarget.parentNode.getAttribute("name");
    const handInput = event.currentTarget.getAttribute("name");
    const value = event.currentTarget.value;
    if (handInput === "bank" || handInput === "totalPrice") {
            [handInput]: value
    } else {
        this.setState(prevState => ({
            hands: prevState.hands.map(
            hand => {
                if (hand.name === handName) {
                    return Object.assign(hand, { [handInput]: value })
                } else {
                    return hand

handleAddHand = () => {
    const handCount = this.state.handCount;
    const name = `hand${handCount + 1}`;
    const hand = {
        backPrice: 0,
        bankPrice: 0,
        commision: 0,
        realPrice: 0
    this.setState(prevState => ({
        hands: prevState.hands.concat({...hand}),
        handCount: prevState.handCount + 1

handleRemoveHand = (event) => {
    const handName = event.currentTarget.parentNode.getAttribute("name");
    const handIndex = this.state.hands.findIndex(hand => 
        hand.name === handName);
    this.setState(prevState => ({
        hands: [
            ...prevState.hands.slice(0, handIndex),
            ...prevState.hands.slice(handIndex + 1)
render() {
    const listHands = this.state.hands
        .map(hand =>

    return (
            <button onClick={this.handleAddHand}>Add Hand</button>

function HandInputs(props) {
    return (
        <div name={props.name}>
            <input type="text" value={props.backPrice}
              name="backPrice" onChange={props.handleChange} />
            <input type="text" value={props.bankPrice}
              name="bankPrice" onChange={props.handleChange} />
            <input type="text" value={props.commision}
              name="commision" onChange={props.handleChange} />
            <input type="text" value={props.realPrice}
              name="realPrice" onChange={props.handleChange} />
            {props.name !== "hand1" && 
              <button onClick={props.removeLeg}>Remove leg</button>}

Because you call setState in componentDidUpdate it makes the component go over the update life cycle again and call componentDidUpdate in a loop. 因为您在componentDidUpdate调用setState ,它使组件再次经过更新生命周期,并在循环中调用componentDidUpdate Your check: if (this.state.hands !== prevState.hands) will always be true because you always create a new hands array in state: 你的检查: if (this.state.hands !== prevState.hands)将永远是true ,因为你总是创建一个新的hands在状态数组:

   totalPrice: totalPrice,
   hands: this.state.hands.map((hand, index) => { <-- always cause a new array
      return Object.assign(hand, {realPrice: newHands[index]})

One solution for this is to use the callback function as the second argument to setState . 一种解决方案是将callback函数用作setState的第二个参数。 This callback will be called after the change of the state and inside it you can use the state as you used it in componentDidUpdate . 状态更改后将调用此回调,并且可以在内部使用它,就像在componentDidUpdate使用state一样。

// the same function as your componentDidUpdate
afterStateChange = () => {
   const hands = this.state.hands;

   // initialized variables needed to calculate a result

   // you can call `setState` here (you don't need to check if the state is different from prevState
       totalPrice: totalPrice,
       hands: this.state.hands.map((hand, index) => {
          return Object.assign(hand, { realPrice: newHands[index] });

And then for example you can use it here: 然后例如,您可以在这里使用它:

  handleAddHand = () => {
    const handCount = this.state.handCount;
    const name = `hand${handCount + 1}`;
    const hand = {
      backPrice: 0,
      bankPrice: 0,
      commision: 0,
      realPrice: 0
      prevState => ({
        hands: prevState.hands.concat({ ...hand }),
        handCount: prevState.handCount + 1
      this.afterStateChange <-- here


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