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[英]How to replace certain characters of a string

  • I have a string @B1AdGODG7:Devrath%Dev\¶我有一个字符串@B1AdGODG7:Devrath%Dev\¶
  • I want to replace with 我想用替换

I tried with我试过

String comments="@B1AdGODG7:Devrath%Dev\u00B6";
  • Output : @B1AdGODG7:Devrath%Dev\¶输出@B1AdGODG7:Devrath%Dev\¶

  • Required Output : @B1AdGODG7:Devrath%Dev¶所需输出@B1AdGODG7:Devrath%Dev¶

  • ReplaceAll is not working ReplaceAll 不起作用
  • How to make the required output如何制作所需的输出



is a single character, with the Unicode code point of 0xB6; 是单个字符,Unicode 码位为 0xB6; writing is literally the same as writing ¶.字面上与写 ¶ 相同。

So, you need to escape the backslash: \\\\ .因此,您需要转义反斜杠: \\\\ Furthermore, backslashes are special in regular expressions, which replaceAll uses, so you need to escape it again -- and that escape needs to be escaped: replaceAll("\\\\\\\¶", "¶") .此外,反斜杠在正则表达式中是特殊的,replaceAll 使用它,因此您需要再次转义它 - 并且需要转义该转义: replaceAll("\\\\\\\¶", "¶")

You could also use Pattern.quote for that second level of escaping (the one for the regex): replaceAll(Pattern.quote("\\\¶"), "¶") .您还可以使用Pattern.quote进行第二级转义(用于正则表达式): replaceAll(Pattern.quote("\\\¶"), "¶")

I get below example from http://techidiocy.com/replace-unicode-characters-from-java-string/ .我从http://techidiocy.com/replace-unicode-characters-from-java-string/得到以下示例。 I think it is work for u我认为这对你有用

public static StringBuffer removeUTFCharacters(String data){
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\\\u(\\p{XDigit}{4})");
Matcher m = p.matcher(data);
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(data.length());
while (m.find()) {
String ch = String.valueOf((char) Integer.parseInt(m.group(1), 16));
m.appendReplacement(buf, Matcher.quoteReplacement(ch));
return buf;

I use StringEscapeUtils provided by apache.我使用StringEscapeUtils提供的StringEscapeUtils

You can use it by adding following dependency:您可以通过添加以下依赖项来使用它:

implementation 'org.apache.commons:commons-text:1.4'

Code Sample:代码示例:

String comments="@B1AdGODG7:Devrath%Dev\u00B6";
Log.d("output", StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJava(comments));


D/output: @B1AdGODG7:Devrath%Dev¶

This is the most reliable solution i have come across for this problem and have been using it for a while.这是我遇到的最可靠的解决方案,并且已经使用了一段时间。

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