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[英]Django admin UserChangeForm with UUID field as primary key

I'm working on a Django app that will contain sensitive User data, so I'm taking a number of steps to anonymise User objects and their data. 我正在开发一个包含敏感用户数据的Django应用,因此我采取了许多步骤来匿名化用户对象及其数据。

I created custom 'User' object that subclassses the AbstractBaseUser model like so: 我创建了自定义“用户”对象,该对象将AbstractBaseUser模型子类化,如下所示:

class User(AbstractBaseUser, PermissionsMixin):
    id = models.UUIDField(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False)

It has the following linked ModelAdmin object: 它具有以下链接的ModelAdmin对象:

from django.contrib.auth.forms import UserChangeForm

class UserAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    form = UserChangeForm

I'm using UUID fields for primary keys to ensure maximum anonymity, yet I would like to be able to reset User passwords in the Django Admin (like you can do with the default User object) 我将UUID字段用作主键以确保最大程度的匿名性,但我希望能够在Django Admin中重置用户密码(就像您可以对默认User对象进行的操作一样)

However, when I open a User in the admin and press the link to change the password I get the following error message: 但是,当我以管理员身份打开用户并按链接更改密码时,出现以下错误消息:

User with ID "21362aca-6918-47ea-9b29-275350a89c54/password" doesn't exist. Perhaps it was deleted?

The admin url is still expecting a url with the an integer as its pk value. 管理员url仍期望以整数作为pk值的url。

So it seems that I have to override the admin url configuration in the ModelAdmin definition, but I was wondering if there was a simpler way to achieve the desired result - as I imagine that replacing the User.pk with an UUID field is a fairly regular occurrence and I image many developers have ran into this problem. 因此,似乎必须重写ModelAdmin定义中的admin url配置,但是我想知道是否有一种更简单的方法来实现所需的结果-因为我想用UUID字段替换User.pk是相当正常的发生和我的形象许多开发人员都遇到了这个问题。 I tried to find some kind of settings / toggle to achieve this but to no avail, am I missing something? 我试图找到某种设置/切换来实现此目的,但无济于事,我是否缺少某些东西?

Your 'UserAdmin' inherits from ModelAdmin , which provides the urls via the get_urls method for the add, change, delete, etc. views but also a 'fallback' url: 您的“ UserAdmin”继承自ModelAdmin ,后者通过get_urls方法提供了用于添加,更改,删除等视图的URL,还提供了一个“后备” URL:

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^(.+)/change/$', wrap(self.change_view), name='%s_%s_change' % info),
    # For backwards compatibility (was the change url before 1.9)
    path('<path:object_id>/', wrap(RedirectView.as_view(
        pattern_name='%s:%s_%s_change' % ((self.admin_site.name,) + info)

The url you are following looks like /user/<UUID>/password/ which only fits the regex of the fallback pattern - which redirects you to the change page in such a way that it uses <UUID>/password as the object_id . 您要跟踪的url类似于/user/<UUID>/password/ ,它仅适合后备模式的正则表达式-它将您重定向到更改页面,使其使用<UUID>/password作为object_id

Try inheriting from django.contrib.auth.admin.UserAdmin instead as its get_urls method provides the url pattern you need. 尝试从django.contrib.auth.admin.UserAdmin继承,因为其get_urls方法提供了所需的url模式。

Some more poking around... 还有一些戳...
If your primary key field was an AutoField, the whole process would raise a ValueError('invalid literal for int') when trying to cast int('some_integer/password') in django.db.models.fields.AutoField.get_prep_value in order to prepare the value for a query. 如果您的主键字段是一个AutoField,则整个过程将在尝试按顺序在django.db.models.fields.AutoField.get_prep_valueint('some_integer/password')时引发ValueError('invalid literal for int') int('some_integer/password') 。为查询准备值。 Understandable! 可以理解的!

HOWEVER : UUIDField uses the get_prep_value method of the base class Field . 但是, UUIDField使用基类Fieldget_prep_value方法。 Field.get_prep_value just simply returns the value without even checking (after all, validating the value should be the job of UUIDField ). Field.get_prep_value只是简单地返回值,甚至不进行检查(毕竟,验证值应该是UUIDField的工作)。 So you end up with a query that looks for the bogus uuid '<uuid>/password' , which obviously doesn't exist. 因此,您最终得到一个查询,该查询将查找虚假的uuid '<uuid>/password' ,这显然不存在。

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