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使用 ESLint 防止在 IE11 中使用不受支持的 JavaScript 功能?

[英]Prevent use of unsupported JavaScript features in IE11 using ESLint?

I have an existing ESLint configuration with "ecmaVersion" set to "5" that I want to modify to allow the use of let and const which are ES6 features.我有一个现有的 ESLint 配置,“ecmaVersion”设置为“5”,我想修改它以允许使用 ES6 特性的letconst There are mostly* supported in Internet Explorer 11. However, I want to reject the use of any ES6 features that aren't supported in IE11, eg classes. Internet Explorer 11 中大部分支持*。但是,我想拒绝使用 IE11 中不支持的任何 ES6 功能,例如类。 How can I do that with ESLint?我怎样才能用 ESLint 做到这一点?

I did find the eslint-plugin-ie11 plug-in, but it only covers a few unsupported features.我确实找到了eslint-plugin-ie11插件,但它只涵盖了一些不受支持的功能。

*I would also like to block the use of let in loops, which is not supported in IE11. *我还想阻止使用 let in 循环,这在 IE11 中不受支持。

you can add eslint rules to disallow pretty much any language feature you want using the no-restricted-syntax rule.您可以使用no-restricted-syntax规则添加 eslint 规则来禁止几乎任何您想要的语言功能。

from the eslint docs来自eslint 文档

this rule allows you to configure the syntax elements you want to restrict use of此规则允许您配置要限制使用的语法元素
... ...
You may find the full list of AST node names you can use on GitHub and use AST Explorer with the espree parser to see what type of nodes your code consists of.您可以在 GitHub 上找到可以使用的 AST 节点名称的完整列表,并使用AST Explorer和 espree 解析器查看您的代码包含哪些类型的节点。
... ...
You can also specify AST selectors to restrict, allowing much more precise control over syntax patterns.您还可以指定要限制的AST 选择器,从而可以更精确地控制语法模式。
... ...
This rule takes a list of strings, where each string is an AST selector ... [, or] objects, where the selector and an optional custom message are specified此规则采用字符串列表,其中每个字符串是一个 AST 选择器 ... [, or] 对象,其中指定了选择器和可选的自定义消息

so, for example, if you wanted to block usage of arrow functions, template literals, and let / const declarations in the left side of for ... in and for ... of loops,因此,例如,如果您想在for ... infor ... of循环的左侧阻止使用箭头函数、模板文字和let / const声明,

you could add this to the rules section of your eslintrc:您可以将其添加到 eslintrc 的规则部分:

"no-restricted-syntax": ["error",
        "selector": "*:matches(ForOfStatement, ForInStatement) > VariableDeclaration.left:matches([kind=let], [kind=const])",
        "message": "let/const not allowed in lhs of for..in / for..of loops."
        "selector": "TemplateLiteral",
        "message": "template literal strings not allowed"

then, running eslint on this file然后,在这个文件上运行 eslint

for(const x of foo) {}
for(let x of foo) {}
for(const x in foo) {}
for(let x in foo) {}
console.log(`hello world`);
const bar = x => x + 1;

gives these errors:给出这些错误:

  1:5   error  let/const not allowed in lhs of for..in / for..of loops  no-restricted-syntax
  2:5   error  let/const not allowed in lhs of for..in / for..of loops  no-restricted-syntax
  3:5   error  let/const not allowed in lhs of for..in / for..of loops  no-restricted-syntax
  4:5   error  let/const not allowed in lhs of for..in / for..of loops  no-restricted-syntax
  5:13  error  template literal strings not allowed                     no-restricted-syntax
  6:13  error  Using 'ArrowFunctionExpression' is not allowed           no-restricted-syntax

✖ 6 problems (6 errors, 0 warnings)

and running eslint on this file并在这个文件上运行 eslint

let a = 1;
const b = 2;
for(var x of foo) {}
for(var x in foo) {}
console.log('hello world');
function bar(x) { return x + 1; }

gives no errors没有错误

doing this for all es6 features would be more or less the same, just with a lot more selectors所有es6 功能执行此操作或多或少是相同的,只是有更多的选择器

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