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我可以使用空手道dsl将值从一个文件夹的一个功能文件传递到/ src / java / test下的另一个文件夹的另一个功能文件

[英]Can I pass values from one feature file of one folder to another feature file of another folder under /src/java/test using karate dsl

My project structure is something like this: 我的项目结构是这样的:


TestRunner -> main.java
Component1 --> Admin.feature
Component2 --> Publisher.feature
Component3 --> Store.feature

I want to pass some value from Admin.feature file to Publisher.feature file. 我想将一些值从Admin.feature文件传递到Publisher.feature文件。 Is that possible? 那可能吗?

I know we can pass values from one feature file to another under the same folder, but I'm unsure if the value can be used throughout my folder structure. 我知道我们可以将值从一个功能文件传递到同一文件夹下的另一个功能文件,但是我不确定该值是否可以在整个文件夹结构中使用。

Yes, as long as you are able to read() your feature file and both the features are in the same scenario. 是的,只要您能够read()您的功能文件并且两个功能都在同一场景中即可。

Let's say you want to pass values from Admin to Publisher inside a Store feature. 假设您要将值从Admin传递到Store功能中的Publisher

Store.feature Store.feature

    * def getAdmin = call read('classpath:Component1/Admin.feature') {"SomeInput":"toAdmin"}
    * def getPublisher = call read('classpath:Component2/Publisher.feature') {"Admin": "#(getAdmin.response)"}

now inside your Publisher.feature you can get the admin response details in the Admin varaible 现在在Publisher.feature您可以在Admin变量中获取管理员响应的详细信息

Note: To find any file under /src/java/test directory you can prefix with classpath: as mentioned in the above example. 注意:要在/ src / java / test目录下找到任何文件,可以在上面的示例中添加classpath:作为前缀。

Lets say I have multiple scenariosinside my called feature (with tags=@scenario) and I only want to run scenario1. 可以说我在调用的功能内部有多个场景(带有标签= @ scenario),我只想运行scenario1。 Is it possible to achieve that? 有可能实现这一目标吗?

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