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[英]Regex to capture episode number

What is wrong with the following regular expression I have:我的以下正则表达式有什么问题:

s = "s4, ep2 -- The one"
>>> re.search(r'(Episode|Ep?\.?)?\s?(\d{0,})', s, re.IGNORECASE).group(2)

I am trying to capture the 2 from the "S4, Ep2" .我正在尝试从"S4, Ep2"捕获2 I thought the Ep?\\.?\\s?d{0,} would capture it but it seems like I'm missing something.我以为Ep?\\.?\\s?d{0,}会捕获它,但似乎我遗漏了一些东西。

Here are other example inputs that might be entered:以下是可能输入的其他示例输入:

Episode 2
Ep. 2
E. 2
Season 4, E 2 -- Hello

All of the above should come out as "2"以上所有内容都应显示为“2”

This version is working.这个版本正在运行。 We can try matching on Episode , Ep , or just E , followed by an optional dot and/or space.我们可以尝试在EpisodeEpE上进行匹配,后跟可选的点和/或空格。 Then, capture an episode number.然后,捕获剧集编号。

s = "s4, ep2 -- The one"
print(re.search(r'(?:Season \d+,\s+)?(?:Episode|Ep|E)?\.?\s?(\d{0,})',
    s, re.IGNORECASE).group(1))


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