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[英]Manually closing the p-calendar datepicker

I am using PrimeNg <p-calendar> and have [touchUI]="true" and [showTime]="true" 我正在使用PrimeNg <p-calendar>并具有[touchUI]="true"[showTime]="true"

This brings up a datePicker with an overlay blocking out the rest of the webpage. 这将显示带覆盖层的datePicker,从而阻止了网页的其余部分。 All this works fine. 所有这些都很好。 Except after a date and time are picked the only way to close the datePicker and remove the overlay is to click outside of the datePicker. 除了选择日期和时间之后,关闭datePicker并删除覆盖的唯一方法是在datePicker外部单击。 What I need is a place for the user to click to close the datePicker and remove the overlay. 我需要一个供用户单击以关闭datePicker并除去覆盖层的地方。

I have a button by including <p-footer> I was also able to use a @ViewChild decorator to access to the overlayVisible property and manually set it to false. 通过包含<p-footer>我有了一个按钮,我也能够使用@ViewChild装饰器来访问overlayVisible属性并将其手动设置为false。

This does close the datePicker, but unfortunately it leaves the overlay blocking the entire page until it is refreshed. 这确实关闭了datePicker,但是不幸的是,它使覆盖层阻塞了整个页面,直到刷新为止。

I'm sure this is a simple fix, but it has me stumped. 我敢肯定这是一个简单的解决方法,但这让我很困惑。

In my component 在我的组件中

@ViewChild('myCalendar') datePicker;

close() {
  this.datePicker.overlayVisible = false;

html html

<p-calendar #myCalendar
    <button pButton type="button" label="Close" (click)="close()"></button>

was facing the same issue and tried all the suggestions mentioned, but none worked for me. 正面临着同样的问题,并尝试了所有提及的建议,但没有一个对我有用。 After hacking around, the following worked for me :) 黑客入侵后,以下内容对我有用:)

        <p-calendar monthNavigator="true" showTime="true"
                <button pButton type="button" label="Close" 

Set datepckerClick to true datepckerClick设置为true

close() {
  this.datePicker.overlayVisible = false;
  this.datePicker.datepickerClick = true;

Sorry for my late answer, but I already saw that you had the same problem as I did. 抱歉,我的回答很晚,但是我已经看到您遇到的问题和我一样。 I only had to do the same thing with p-multiselect . 我只需要对p-multiselect做同样的事情。

I solved this by adding $event.stopPropagation() next to the click function close() . 我通过在click函数close()旁边添加$event.stopPropagation()来解决此问题。 The dropdown was not closing because <p-footer> is inside the dropdown, so you have to exclude from parent click event . 下拉菜单未关闭,因为<p-footer>位于下拉菜单中,因此您必须从父click event排除它。 So, in general, this is what it looks like: 因此,通常是这样的:


    <p-calendar #myCalendar
       <button pButton type="button" label="Close" (click)="close();$event.stopPropagation()"></button>

Your component as it is: 您的组件是这样的:

@ViewChild('myCalendar') datePicker;

close() {
  this.datePicker.overlayVisible = false;

Hope this helps someone! 希望这对某人有帮助!


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