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在 Python 中使用 Selenium,通过 xpath、.text 使用查找元素进行网页抓取

[英]Using Selenium in Python, webscraping using find elements by xpath, .text

I'm trying to automate a task that I have to do every week using Python and Selenium.我正在尝试使用 Python 和 Selenium 自动执行每周必须执行的任务。

I go to a website and if there is any new files I download them, rename them using the date they came in and who they went to, and then place them in a folder on the shared network server.我访问一个网站,如果有任何新文件,我会下载它们,使用它们进来的日期和去的人重命名它们,然后将它们放在共享网络服务器上的文件夹中。

The website provides the date in which the file comes in through a clickable link.该网站通过可点击的链接提供文件进入的日期。

Using find elements by xpath, and what I assume are parameters, starts with and contains, I've been able to search through all the links with the date and time.通过 xpath 使用 find 元素,我假设是参数,开始和包含,我已经能够搜索所有带有日期和时间的链接。

receivedTime = browser.find_elements_by_xpath('//*[starts-with(@id, 
"anchor") and contains(@id, "_0")]')
for time in receivedTime:

The output looks like this for example, "11/2/2018, 8:00:50 AM".输出看起来像这样,例如,“11/2/2018, 8:00:50 AM”。

I would like to format that text to say "2018-11-02", how would I go about doing that?我想将该文本格式化为“2018-11-02”,我该怎么做?

It's my understanding that the variable time is just an object of the Current Xpath and .text is just a property of that object.我的理解是变量time只是 Current Xpath 的一个对象,而 .text 只是该对象的一个​​属性。 Is my understanding correct?我的理解正确吗?

Thank you.谢谢你。


receivedTime = browser.find_elements_by_xpath('//*[starts-with(@id, 
"anchor") and contains(@id, "_0")]')
for time in receivedTime:
 date = str(time.text).split(',')
 dateTime = datetime.strptime(date[0], '%m/%d/%Y').strftime('%Y-%m-%d-')

You should use the package datetime ( import datetime )您应该使用包datetime ( import datetime )
The time variable is a string so you have to convert it into datetime and change the format like this :时间变量是一个字符串,因此您必须将其转换为日期时间并像这样更改格式:

date = str(time.text).split(',')
datetime.datetime.strptime(date[0], '%m/%d/%Y').strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

You can also use a regular expression to extract the numbers and reformat the date:您还可以使用正则表达式来提取数字并重新格式化日期:

import re
text = "11/2/2018, 8:00:50 AM"
date_tuple = re.match("(\d+)\/(\d+)\/(\d+)", text).groups()
file_name = "%d-%02d-%02d" % (int(date_tuple[2]), int(date_tuple[0]), int(date_tuple[1]))

Result: "2018-11-02"结果:“2018-11-02”

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