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[英]ioncube “the path/to/file.php is corrupted” error

I have a wordpress website and after installing a plugin suddenly it has been crashed and I got an error saying "The file /home/omdikalc/public_html/wp-content/themes/martfury/functions.php is corrupted.". 我有一个wordpress网站,安装插件后突然崩溃了,并且出现错误消息“文件/home/omdikalc/public_html/wp-content/themes/martfury/functions.php已损坏。”。 The file that the error is refering to is the function.php file of my theme and the file is encoded with ioncube and contains this part of code that raises the error: 错误所指向的文件是我主题的function.php文件,并且该文件使用ioncube进行了编码,并且包含这部分引发错误的代码:

    <?php //00543
    // Encoded by www.Rtl-Theme.com
    // Encoded at 24 August 2018 - 15:14:53
    if (!extension_loaded('ionCube Loader')) {
        $__oc = strtolower(substr(php_uname(), 0, 3));
        $__ln = 'ioncube_loader_' . $__oc . '_' . substr(phpversion(), 0, 3)         . (($__oc == 'win') ? '.dll' : '.so');
        if (function_exists('dl')) {
        if (function_exists('_il_exec')) {
            return _il_exec();
        $__ln   = '/ioncube/' . $__ln;
        $__oid  = $__id = realpath(ini_get('extension_dir'));
        $__here = dirname(__FILE__);
        if (strlen($__id) > 1 && $__id[1] == ':') {
            $__id   = str_replace('\\', '/', substr($__id, 2));
            $__here = str_replace('\\', '/', substr($__here, 2));
        $__rd = str_repeat('/..', substr_count($__id, '/')) . $__here . '/';
        $__i  = strlen($__rd);
        while ($__i--) {
            if ($__rd[$__i] == '/') {
                $__lp = substr($__rd, 0, $__i) . $__ln;
                if (file_exists($__oid . $__lp)) {
                    $__ln = $__lp;
        if (function_exists('dl')) {
    } else {
        die('The file ' . __FILE__ . " is corrupted.\n");
    if (function_exists('_il_exec')) {
        return _il_exec();
    echo ("Site error: the " . (php_sapi_name() == 'cli' ? 'ionCube' : '<a         href="http://www.ioncube.com">ionCube</a>') . " PHP Loader needs to be installed. This is a widely used PHP extension for running ionCube protected PHP code, website security and malware blocking.\n\nPlease visit " . (php_sapi_name() == 'cli' ? 'get-loader.ioncube.com' : '<a href="http://get-loader.ioncube.com">get-loader.ioncube.com</a>') . " for install assistance.\n\n");

I contacted with my theme provider and they said nothing is wrong with the code and the problem is with the host server. 我与主题提供者联系后,他们说代码没有错,问题出在主机服务器上。 I contected with my website host service provider and they said the ioncube is running on server properly. 我与我的网站托管服务提供商竞争,他们说ioncube在服务器上正常运行。 what should I do? 我该怎么办?

"is corrupted" (as opposed to "is corrupt") comes from the PHP preamble at the start of an ionCube file and indicates that the ionCube Loader did not consider the file as being possibly an ionCube file; “已损坏”(而不是“已损坏”)来自ionCube文件开头的PHP序言,表示ionCube Loader认为该文件可能不是ionCube文件。 if it had the preamble would never get executed as the Loader would have taken over processing the file. 如果它具有前导,则将永远不会执行,因为加载程序将接管文件的处理。 One cause would be from making a significant change to the size of the text that appears before the encoded data, such as beautifying the normally compact PHP code as has been done here. 原因之一是对显示在编码数据之前的文本大小进行了重大更改,例如,如此处所述,美化了通常紧凑的PHP代码。 You should ensure that you are using the original, unmodified files provided by the script provider, and if still stuck contact ionCube support. 您应该确保使用的是脚本提供者提供的未经修改的原始文件,如果仍然遇到问题,请联系ionCube支持。 If you receive an "is corrupt" message this typically indicates that the Loader has recognised the file as an ionCube file but it was damaged, such as by removing copyright text that a developer has embedded. 如果收到“已损坏”消息,则通常表明加载程序已将文件识别为ionCube文件,但已损坏,例如通过删除开发人员嵌入的版权文本。

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