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[英]pass checkbox value to controller

How do I pass a value from my checkbox (view) to the controller? 如何将复选框(视图)中的值传递给控制器​​?

<div className="row">
    <div class="filters-container col-sm-3">
        <h5 class="navbar navbar-dark bg-info">Brands</h5>

        <input type="checkbox" class="filter" id="AppleFilter" value="true" name="Filters"></input>

My controller: 我的控制器:

public class ProductController : DaoController<ProductDao, Product>
    public override IActionResult Get()
        return InnerGet();

    public IActionResult Search(string value)
        var daoManager = HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService<DaoManager>();
        List<Product> products = daoManager.ProductDao.SearchProduct(value);
        return Ok(products);

    public IActionResult Filter(string responsables, bool checkResp = false)

I dont know what to put in the view and controller to pass the values. 我不知道在视图和控制器中放置什么来传递值。

You should introduce a ViewModel. 您应该引入一个ViewModel。 A simple way to send the values is to POST this ViewModel to your controller action. 发送值的一种简单方法是将此ViewModel张贴到您的控制器操作中。

public class FilterViewModel {

   public bool DoApplyAppleFilter { get; set; }

Tell the View Filter.cshtml to use this ViewModel: 告诉View Filter.cshtml使用此ViewModel:

@model FilterViewModel 

@* this <form> will be posted to the "Filter" action in the "ProductController" *@
@using (Html.BeginForm("Filter", "Product", FormMethod.Post, new { @class = "ym-form"})) {

    @Html.LabelFor(m => m.DoApplyAppleFilter)    @* renders <label> with the given DisplayName for the checkbox *@
    @Html.CheckBoxFor(m => m.DoApplyAppleFilter) @* renders <input type="checkbox"> *@

    <button type="submit">Apply filter</button>

Controller Action: 控制器动作:

public IActionResult Filter(FilterViewModel viewModel) {

   bool isChecked = viewModel.DoApplyAppleFilter;
   // ...

Instead of a submit <button> , you can also use AJAX to POST the <form> , or extract the values and use a GET request. 除了提交<button> ,还可以使用AJAX来发布<form> ,或者提取值并使用GET请求。

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